> top > projects


Name TDescription# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

1-20 / 651 show all
0_colil 781 KYue Wang2023-11-24
0mytest 144Yue Wang2023-11-29
123123123 123123123150yaoxinzhi2023-11-27Released
2015-BEL-Sample An attempt to upload 295 BEL statements, i.e. the sample set used for the 2015 BioCreative challenge. 58Fabio RinaldiFabio Rinaldi2023-11-29Testing
2015-BEL-Sample-2 The 295 BEL statements for sample set used for the 2015 BioCreative challenge.11.4 KFabio RinaldiNico Colic2023-11-28Released
21k_plant_trait_mention 333 Kxzyao2023-11-29Testing
2_test 145 MYue Wang2023-11-24
6L4P_paper_preliminary 0Koya Sakuma2025-01-15
Ab3P-abbreviations This corpus was developed during the creation of the Ab3P abbreviation definition identification tool. It includes 1250 manually annotated MEDLINE records. This gold standard includes 1221 abbreviation-definition pairs. Abbreviation definition identification based on automatic precision estimates Sunghwan Sohn, Donald C Comeau, Won Kim and W John Wilbur BMC Bioinformatics20089:402 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-9-4022.33 KSunghwan Sohn, Donald C Comeau, Won Kim and W John Wilburcomeau2023-11-29Beta
acggdb_ggdb 0nfujita2023-11-29
AGAC-COVID-19 14xiajingbo2023-11-29
AGCA_Sue Active Gene Annotation Corpus for the Application in Drug Repurposing Discovery0Jingbo Xia, Xuan Qin, Kaiyin Zhou2023-11-29Developing
Age_blah 1.9 Kslee72682023-11-29Beta
age_PMA_annotations 99laurenc2023-11-29Developing
AIMed The AIMed corpus is one of the most widely used corpora for protein-protein interaction extraction. The protein annotations are either parts of the protein interaction annotations, or are uninvolved in any protein interaction annotation. Publication: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~ml/papers/bionlp-aimed-04.pdf4.04 KThe University of Texas at AustinYue Wang2023-11-27Testing
Allie An annotation set of abbreviations and expanded forms extracted from PubMed/MEDLINE by machines.8.7 MDatabase Center for Life ScienceYasunori Yamamoto2023-11-24Developing
AlvisNLP-Async-Test Test for the asynchronous AlvisNLP/ML annotator family.0Robert Bossyrbossy2023-11-26Testing
AlvisNLP-Test Project for testing AlviNLP PubAnnotation server during BLAH3.17Bibliome2023-11-29Testing
American_Journal 0Sophie Nam2023-11-29
Anatomy-MAT Anatomical structures based on Minimal Anatomical Terminology (MAT).778 KJin-Dong Kim2024-09-19Developing
Name T# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

1-20 / 651 show all
0_colil 781 KYue Wang2023-11-24
0mytest 144Yue Wang2023-11-29
123123123 150yaoxinzhi2023-11-27Released
2015-BEL-Sample 58Fabio RinaldiFabio Rinaldi2023-11-29Testing
2015-BEL-Sample-2 11.4 KFabio RinaldiNico Colic2023-11-28Released
21k_plant_trait_mention 333 Kxzyao2023-11-29Testing
2_test 145 MYue Wang2023-11-24
6L4P_paper_preliminary 0Koya Sakuma2025-01-15
Ab3P-abbreviations 2.33 KSunghwan Sohn, Donald C Comeau, Won Kim and W John Wilburcomeau2023-11-29Beta
acggdb_ggdb 0nfujita2023-11-29
AGAC-COVID-19 14xiajingbo2023-11-29
AGCA_Sue 0Jingbo Xia, Xuan Qin, Kaiyin Zhou2023-11-29Developing
Age_blah 1.9 Kslee72682023-11-29Beta
age_PMA_annotations 99laurenc2023-11-29Developing
AIMed 4.04 KThe University of Texas at AustinYue Wang2023-11-27Testing
Allie 8.7 MDatabase Center for Life ScienceYasunori Yamamoto2023-11-24Developing
AlvisNLP-Async-Test 0Robert Bossyrbossy2023-11-26Testing
AlvisNLP-Test 17Bibliome2023-11-29Testing
American_Journal 0Sophie Nam2023-11-29
Anatomy-MAT 778 KJin-Dong Kim2024-09-19Developing