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Name TDescription# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

1-20 / 320 show all
0_colil 781 KYue Wang2023-11-24
123123123 123123123150yaoxinzhi2023-11-27Released
2015-BEL-Sample An attempt to upload 295 BEL statements, i.e. the sample set used for the 2015 BioCreative challenge. 58Fabio RinaldiFabio Rinaldi2023-11-29Testing
2015-BEL-Sample-2 The 295 BEL statements for sample set used for the 2015 BioCreative challenge.11.4 KFabio RinaldiNico Colic2023-11-28Released
21k_plant_trait_mention 333 Kxzyao2023-11-29Testing
Ab3P-abbreviations This corpus was developed during the creation of the Ab3P abbreviation definition identification tool. It includes 1250 manually annotated MEDLINE records. This gold standard includes 1221 abbreviation-definition pairs. Abbreviation definition identification based on automatic precision estimates Sunghwan Sohn, Donald C Comeau, Won Kim and W John Wilbur BMC Bioinformatics20089:402 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-9-4022.33 KSunghwan Sohn, Donald C Comeau, Won Kim and W John Wilburcomeau2023-11-29Beta
acggdb_ggdb 0nfujita2023-11-29
Age_blah 1.9 Kslee72682023-11-29Beta
age_PMA_annotations 99laurenc2023-11-29Developing
AIMed The AIMed corpus is one of the most widely used corpora for protein-protein interaction extraction. The protein annotations are either parts of the protein interaction annotations, or are uninvolved in any protein interaction annotation. Publication: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~ml/papers/bionlp-aimed-04.pdf4.04 KThe University of Texas at AustinYue Wang2023-11-27Testing
AlvisNLP-Test Project for testing AlviNLP PubAnnotation server during BLAH3.17Bibliome2023-11-29Testing
American_Journal 0Sophie Nam2023-11-29
AnEM_abstracts 250 documents selected randomly from citation abstracts Entity types: organism subdivision, anatomical system, organ, multi-tissue structure, tissue, cell, developing anatomical structure, cellular component, organism substance, immaterial anatomical entity and pathological formation Together with AnEM_full-texts, it is probably the largest manually annotated corpus on anatomical entities.1.91 KNaCTeMYue Wang2023-11-29Released
AnEM_full-texts 250 documents selected randomly from full-text papers Entity types: organism subdivision, anatomical system, organ, multi-tissue structure, tissue, cell, developing anatomical structure, cellular component, organism substance, immaterial anatomical entity and pathological formation Together with AnEM_abstracts, it is probably the largest manually annotated corpus on anatomical entities.687NaCTeMYue Wang2023-11-29Uploading
Annotation-Euglena-Enzymes 0Shuichi Kawashima2016-06-13Developing
ASCO_abstracts asco abstracts sample dataset28 Kalo332023-11-29Testing
bayaba nalee7Nakyolee2023-11-29
Bioinformatics_fulltext 0Sophie Nam2023-11-28Uploading
BioLarkPubmedHPO 228 abstracts manually annotated with Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) concepts and harmonized by three curators, which can be used as a reference standard for free text annotation of human phenotypes. For more info, please see Groza et al. "Automatic concept recognition using the human phenotype ontology reference and test suite corpora", 2015.7.16 KTudor Grozasimon2023-11-29Released
BioMedLAT Annotation of 643 questions from BioASQ with the Lexical Answer Type (LAT) and headword.02016-09-23Developing
Name T# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

1-20 / 320 show all
0_colil 781 KYue Wang2023-11-24
123123123 150yaoxinzhi2023-11-27Released
2015-BEL-Sample 58Fabio RinaldiFabio Rinaldi2023-11-29Testing
2015-BEL-Sample-2 11.4 KFabio RinaldiNico Colic2023-11-28Released
21k_plant_trait_mention 333 Kxzyao2023-11-29Testing
Ab3P-abbreviations 2.33 KSunghwan Sohn, Donald C Comeau, Won Kim and W John Wilburcomeau2023-11-29Beta
acggdb_ggdb 0nfujita2023-11-29
Age_blah 1.9 Kslee72682023-11-29Beta
age_PMA_annotations 99laurenc2023-11-29Developing
AIMed 4.04 KThe University of Texas at AustinYue Wang2023-11-27Testing
AlvisNLP-Test 17Bibliome2023-11-29Testing
American_Journal 0Sophie Nam2023-11-29
AnEM_abstracts 1.91 KNaCTeMYue Wang2023-11-29Released
AnEM_full-texts 687NaCTeMYue Wang2023-11-29Uploading
Annotation-Euglena-Enzymes 0Shuichi Kawashima2016-06-13Developing
ASCO_abstracts 28 Kalo332023-11-29Testing
bayaba 7Nakyolee2023-11-29
Bioinformatics_fulltext 0Sophie Nam2023-11-28Uploading
BioLarkPubmedHPO 7.16 KTudor Grozasimon2023-11-29Released
BioMedLAT 02016-09-23Developing