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NameTDescription # Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

341-360 / 590 show all
MeasurableQuantitativeAnnotation A collection and annotation the measurable quantity information from 3202 pubmed article, which can be used for the task of extracting measurable quantity information. Annotation category: entity, num, unit.2.84 KWenjieNie2023-11-29Testing
NGLY1-deficiency A collection of PubMed abstracts that may be related to NGLY1 deficiency.60.5 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
PubMed-German-test A collection of PubMed abstracts which are written in German0Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-24Developing
PubMed-French-test A collection of PubMed abstract written in French0Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
Preeclampsia A collection of titles and abstracts of "Preeclampsia"-related papers. They were extracted from PubMed using the MeSH term "Preeclampsia" and specifying the language to be "English, on 11th September, 2017. The texts were then annotated by PubDictionaries using the dictionary "Preeclampsia".58.7 Kcallahan_tiff2023-11-29Developing
AGCA_Sue Active Gene Annotation Corpus for the Application in Drug Repurposing Discovery0Jingbo Xia, Xuan Qin, Kaiyin Zhou2023-11-29Developing
OryzaGP1 A dataset for Named Entity Recognition for rice gene0Huy Do. Pierre Larmande2019-01-31Uploading
OryzaGP A dataset for Named Entity Recognition for rice gene29.1 KHuy Do and Pierre LarmandeYue Wang2023-11-24Uploading
EC-Neurodegenerative Alternative methods to animal experiments for neurodegenerative diseases.0zebet2023-11-30Developing
GlyCosmos15-docs Analytical_Chemistry Biochim_Biophys_Acta Carbohydrate_Research Cell Glycobiology Glycoconjugate_Journal J_Am_Chem_Soc Journal_of_Biological_Chemistry Journal_of_Proteome_Research Journal_of_Proteomics Molecular_and_Cellular_Proteomics Nature_Biotechnology Nature_Communications Nature_Methods Scientific_Reports0Jin-Dong Kim2024-09-19Released
Minna_de_Honkoku An annotation project for Minna de Honkoku, a crowdsourced transcription project for historical Japanese documents..204Yuta Hashimotoyhashimoto2023-11-28Developing
Allie An annotation set of abbreviations and expanded forms extracted from PubMed/MEDLINE by machines.8.7 MDatabase Center for Life ScienceYasunori Yamamoto2023-11-24Developing
Anatomy-MAT Anatomical structures based on Minimal Anatomical Terminology (MAT).778 KJin-Dong Kim2024-09-19Developing
Anatomy-UBERON Anatomical structures based on UBERON.2.12 MJin-Dong Kim2024-09-19Developing
2015-BEL-Sample An attempt to upload 295 BEL statements, i.e. the sample set used for the 2015 BioCreative challenge. 58Fabio RinaldiFabio Rinaldi2023-11-29Testing
FSU-PRGE A new broad-coverage corpus composed of 3,306 MEDLINE abstracts dealing with gene and protein mentions. The annotation process was semi-automatic. Publication: http://aclweb.org/anthology/W/W10/W10-1838.pdf59.5 KCALBC ProjectYue Wang2023-11-26Released
TEST-DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature Annotated by Mesh_All_FN795Eisuke Dohi2023-11-29Released
CoGe_Citation_Annotations Annotated PMC abstracts+full articles, that cite the "CoGe" papers (PMID: 18952863, 18269575). Total Num Citations: 165 Total Num Unique Citations: 141 Total Num Abstracts: 165 Total Num Whole Articles: 165 0Heather Lenthclent2023-11-29Uploading
LitCovid-PMC-OGER-BB Annotating PMC articles with OGER and BioBert, according to an hand-crafted Covid-specific dictionary and the 10 different CRAFT ontologies (http://bionlp-corpora.sourceforge.net/CRAFT/): Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (CHEBI), Cell Ontology (CL), Entrez Gene (UBERON), Gene Ontology (biological process (GO-BP), cellular component (GO-CC), and molecular function (GO-MF), NCBI Taxonomy (NCBITaxon), Protein Ontology (PR), Sequence Ontology (SO)3.14 MFabio RinaldiNico Colic2023-11-24Developing
pubmed-enju-pas Annotating PubMed abstracts for predicate-argument structure (PAS). Enju 2.4.2 is used to automatically compute PAS.19.1 MEnjuJin-Dong Kim2023-11-24Developing
NameT# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

341-360 / 590 show all
MeasurableQuantitativeAnnotation 2.84 KWenjieNie2023-11-29Testing
NGLY1-deficiency 60.5 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
PubMed-German-test 0Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-24Developing
PubMed-French-test 0Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
Preeclampsia 58.7 Kcallahan_tiff2023-11-29Developing
AGCA_Sue 0Jingbo Xia, Xuan Qin, Kaiyin Zhou2023-11-29Developing
OryzaGP1 0Huy Do. Pierre Larmande2019-01-31Uploading
OryzaGP 29.1 KHuy Do and Pierre LarmandeYue Wang2023-11-24Uploading
EC-Neurodegenerative 0zebet2023-11-30Developing
GlyCosmos15-docs 0Jin-Dong Kim2024-09-19Released
Minna_de_Honkoku 204Yuta Hashimotoyhashimoto2023-11-28Developing
Allie 8.7 MDatabase Center for Life ScienceYasunori Yamamoto2023-11-24Developing
Anatomy-MAT 778 KJin-Dong Kim2024-09-19Developing
Anatomy-UBERON 2.12 MJin-Dong Kim2024-09-19Developing
2015-BEL-Sample 58Fabio RinaldiFabio Rinaldi2023-11-29Testing
FSU-PRGE 59.5 KCALBC ProjectYue Wang2023-11-26Released
TEST-DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature 795Eisuke Dohi2023-11-29Released
CoGe_Citation_Annotations 0Heather Lenthclent2023-11-29Uploading
LitCovid-PMC-OGER-BB 3.14 MFabio RinaldiNico Colic2023-11-24Developing
pubmed-enju-pas 19.1 MEnjuJin-Dong Kim2023-11-24Developing