PubMed:8607503 JSONTXT 2 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6 0-22 Bacteria denotes Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae
T1 0-107 Title denotes Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae bacteremia in patients with cirrhosis: 5-yr experience from a single medical center.
T7 37-60 Habitat denotes patients with cirrhosis
T8 92-106 Habitat denotes medical center
T2 120-312 Paragraph denotes To assess the clinical features and susceptibility of cirrhotic patients to non-O1 Vibrio cholerae bacteremia and to provide our therapeutic experiences in this rare and high lethal infection.
T9 174-192 Habitat denotes cirrhotic patients
T10 196-218 Bacteria denotes non-O1 Vibrio cholerae
T3 322-568 Paragraph denotes Twenty-eight blood culture isolates of non-O1 V. cholerae were identified by our clinical microbiology laboratory between July 1989 and June 1994. Patients with underlying cirrhosis and the aforementioned bacteremia were retrospectively reviewed.
T12 335-340 Habitat denotes blood
T11 335-348 Habitat denotes blood culture
T13 361-379 Bacteria denotes non-O1 V. cholerae
T14 403-435 Habitat denotes clinical microbiology laboratory
T15 469-537 Habitat denotes Patients with underlying cirrhosis and the aforementioned bacteremia
T4 578-1444 Paragraph denotes Twenty-one cirrhotic patients (16 male, five female; mean age, 50.9 yr; range 28-67 yr) were identified and classified as Child B (6 cases) and Child C (15 cases). Bacteremic episodes occurred most often from March to September. Seafood ingestion (seven cases) and seawater exposure (two cases) were risk factors, but nosocomial infections were also noted in six cases. Presenting symptoms and signs included ascites (95.2%), fever (81%), abdominal pain (52.4%), diarrhea (33.3%), and cellulitis with bullae formation (19%). Concurrent spontaneous bacterial peritonitis was determined in 10 cases, seven with positive ascites cultures. Antibiotic therapy (either cephalothin with gentamicin or ceftriaxone alone) cured most of the bacteremic episodes. The overall case-fatality rate was 23.8%, but 75% of the deaths were observed in patients with skin manifestation.
T16 589-665 Habitat denotes cirrhotic patients (16 male, five female; mean age, 50.9 yr; range 28-67 yr)
T17 700-707 Habitat denotes Child B
T18 722-729 Habitat denotes Child C
T19 807-814 Habitat denotes Seafood
T20 843-851 Habitat denotes seawater
T21 896-906 Habitat denotes nosocomial
T22 987-994 Habitat denotes ascites
T23 1017-1026 Habitat denotes abdominal
T24 1196-1203 Habitat denotes ascites
T25 1411-1443 Habitat denotes patients with skin manifestation
T26 1425-1429 Habitat denotes skin
T27 1458-1495 Habitat denotes Patients with decompensated cirrhosis
T5 1458-1711 Paragraph denotes Patients with decompensated cirrhosis are susceptible to non-O1 V. cholerae bacteremia and should not ingest raw seafood or expose skin wounds to salt water. A high index of suspicion and early administration of antibiotics may lower the mortality rate.
T28 1515-1533 Bacteria denotes non-O1 V. cholerae
T29 1567-1578 Habitat denotes raw seafood
T30 1589-1593 Habitat denotes skin
T31 1589-1600 Habitat denotes skin wounds
T32 1604-1614 Habitat denotes salt water