Entity (bacteria, habitats and geographical places) annotation to the training dataset of the BioNLP-ST 2016 BB task.
For more information, please refer to bionlp-st-bb3-2016-development and bionlp-st-bb3-2016-test.
Bacteria entities are annotated as contiguous spans of text that contains a full unambiguous prokaryote taxon name, the type label is Bacteria. The Bacteria type is a taxon, at any taxonomic level from phylum (Eubacteria) to strain. The category that the text entities have to be assigned to is the most specific and unique category of the NCBI taxonomy resource. In case a given strain, or a group of strains is not referenced by NCBI, it is assigned with the closest taxid in the taxonomy.
Habitat entities are annotated as spans of text that contains a complete mention of a potential habitat for bacteria, the type label is Habitat. Habitat entities are assigned one or several concepts from the habitat subpart of the OntoBiotope ontology. The assigned concepts are as specific as possible. OntoBiotope defines most relevant microorganism habitats from all areas considered by microbial ecology (hosts, natural environment, anthropized environments, food, medical, etc.). Habitat entities are rarely referential entities, they are usually noun phrases including properties and modifiers. There are rare cases of habitats referred with adjectives or verbs. The spans are generally contiguous but some of them are discontinuous in order to cope with conjunctions.
Geographical entities are geographical and organization places denoted by official names.