Okadaic acid is a potent inducer of AP-1, NF-kappa B, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in human B lymphocytes.
Treatment of human B lymphocytes with an optimal concentration of okadaic acid, an inhibitor of phosphatases 1 and 2A, resulted in the induction of the transcription factor, AP-1 and a marked increase in NF-kappa B levels. In contrast, no effect on the levels of the octamer binding proteins, Oct-1 or Oct-2, were found. Since both AP-1 and NF-kappa B have been reported to be important in the induction of the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) gene we examined the effects of okadaic acid on TNF-alpha mRNA levels. Treatment with okadaic acid resulted in a striking increase in TNF-alpha mRNA transcripts within 1 h of stimulation and large amounts of TNF-alpha were released into the culture media. Although okadaic acid provides a potent inductive signal for AP-1 and NF-kappa B it did not induce either B cell proliferation or immunoglobulin secretion.