> top > projects


NameTDescription# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

101-120 / 590 show all
OryzaGP1 A dataset for Named Entity Recognition for rice gene0Huy Do. Pierre Larmande2019-01-31Uploading
OryzaGP A dataset for Named Entity Recognition for rice gene29.1 KHuy Do and Pierre LarmandeYue Wang2023-11-24Uploading
LitCovid-sample-Pubtator 3.86 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-28Uploading
Bioinformatics_fulltext 0Sophie Nam2023-11-28Uploading
FA_Top100Plus-GeneProtein Top100+本来Top100に入るべきだった7レビューの計、107レビュー中101レビュー。 5414, 6076, 6930, 8403, 9643, 18544は、0denotationでドキュメント自体登録していない。 attributesの詳細はconfig参照。 ドキュメントのソースDBが@AikoHIRAKIとなっているものはTypo修正がPubAnnotationの公式FirstAuthorsドキュメントに反映された段階で置き換えます。 10.4 Kyucca2023-11-29Uploading
AnEM_full-texts 250 documents selected randomly from full-text papers Entity types: organism subdivision, anatomical system, organ, multi-tissue structure, tissue, cell, developing anatomical structure, cellular component, organism substance, immaterial anatomical entity and pathological formation Together with AnEM_abstracts, it is probably the largest manually annotated corpus on anatomical entities.687NaCTeMYue Wang2023-11-29Uploading
LitCovid-sample-docs A comprehensive literature resource on the subject of Covid-19 is collected by NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/research/coronavirus/ The LitCovid project@PubAnnotation is a collection of the titles and abstracts of the LitCovid dataset, for the people who want to perform text mining analysis. Please note that if you produce some annotation to the documents in this project, and contribute the annotation back to PubAnnotation, it will become publicly available together with contribution from other people. If you want to contribute your annotation to PubAnnotation, please refer to the documentation page: http://www.pubannotation.org/docs/submit-annotation/ The list of the PMID is sourced from here Below is a notice from the original LitCovid dataset: PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE National Center for Biotechnology Information This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Please cite the authors in any work or product based on this material : Chen Q, Allot A, & Lu Z. (2020) Keep up with the latest coronavirus research, Nature 579:193 0Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Uploading
CoGe_Citation_Annotations Annotated PMC abstracts+full articles, that cite the "CoGe" papers (PMID: 18952863, 18269575). Total Num Citations: 165 Total Num Unique Citations: 141 Total Num Abstracts: 165 Total Num Whole Articles: 165 0Heather Lenthclent2023-11-29Uploading
ENG_NER_NEL_Diana 461dpavot2023-11-29Uploading
chemicals 0pruas_182023-11-29Uploading
PT_NER_NEL_pruas 334Pedro Ruaspruas_182023-11-30Uploading
tagtog OpenAccess annotations coming from tagtog.net0tagtogtagtog2015-02-23Developing
guideline annotations 5 guideline annotations with custom vocab0Tiffany Leung2015-11-07Developing
Annotation-Euglena-Enzymes 0Shuichi Kawashima2016-06-13Developing
BioMedLAT Annotation of 643 questions from BioASQ with the Lexical Answer Type (LAT) and headword.02016-09-23Developing
新着論文レビュー 新着論文レビューに関するアノテーション。0Database Center for Life ScienceYasunori Yamamoto2019-02-04Developing
TextMining-in-bioinformatics TextMining in bioinformatics0Aohnewug2020-04-21Developing
SMAFIRA_Feedback_Labels 0zebet2021-01-21Developing
pubmed-enju-pas Annotating PubMed abstracts for predicate-argument structure (PAS). Enju 2.4.2 is used to automatically compute PAS.19.1 MEnjuJin-Dong Kim2023-11-24Developing
Allie An annotation set of abbreviations and expanded forms extracted from PubMed/MEDLINE by machines.8.7 MDatabase Center for Life ScienceYasunori Yamamoto2023-11-24Developing
NameT# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

101-120 / 590 show all
OryzaGP1 0Huy Do. Pierre Larmande2019-01-31Uploading
OryzaGP 29.1 KHuy Do and Pierre LarmandeYue Wang2023-11-24Uploading
LitCovid-sample-Pubtator 3.86 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-28Uploading
Bioinformatics_fulltext 0Sophie Nam2023-11-28Uploading
FA_Top100Plus-GeneProtein 10.4 Kyucca2023-11-29Uploading
AnEM_full-texts 687NaCTeMYue Wang2023-11-29Uploading
LitCovid-sample-docs 0Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Uploading
CoGe_Citation_Annotations 0Heather Lenthclent2023-11-29Uploading
ENG_NER_NEL_Diana 461dpavot2023-11-29Uploading
chemicals 0pruas_182023-11-29Uploading
PT_NER_NEL_pruas 334Pedro Ruaspruas_182023-11-30Uploading
tagtog 0tagtogtagtog2015-02-23Developing
guideline annotations 0Tiffany Leung2015-11-07Developing
Annotation-Euglena-Enzymes 0Shuichi Kawashima2016-06-13Developing
BioMedLAT 02016-09-23Developing
新着論文レビュー 0Database Center for Life ScienceYasunori Yamamoto2019-02-04Developing
TextMining-in-bioinformatics 0Aohnewug2020-04-21Developing
SMAFIRA_Feedback_Labels 0zebet2021-01-21Developing
pubmed-enju-pas 19.1 MEnjuJin-Dong Kim2023-11-24Developing
Allie 8.7 MDatabase Center for Life ScienceYasunori Yamamoto2023-11-24Developing