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NameTDescription# Ann. AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

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Genomics_Informatics Genomics & Informatics (NLM title abbreviation: Genomics Inform) is the official journal of the Korea Genome Organization. Text corpus for this journal annotated with various levels of linguistic information would be a valuable resource as the process of information extraction requires syntactic, semantic, and higher levels of natural language processing. In this study, we publish our new corpus called GNI Corpus version 1.0, extracted and annotated from full texts of Genomics & Informatics, with NLTK (Natural Language ToolKit)-based text mining script. The preliminary version of the corpus could be used as a training and testing set of a system that serves a variety of functions for future biomedical text mining.35.3 KHyun-Seok Parkewha-bio2023-11-29Beta
GlycoBiology-NCBITAXON NCBITAXON-based annotation to GlycoBiology abstracts32.7 Kshuo502023-11-29Testing
CHEMDNER-training-test The training subset of the CHEMDNER corpus29.4 KMartin Krallinger et al.Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-27Testing
OryzaGP A dataset for Named Entity Recognition for rice gene29.1 KHuy Do and Pierre LarmandeYue Wang2023-11-24Uploading
ASCO_abstracts asco abstracts sample dataset28 Kalo332023-11-29Testing
Glycosmos15-GlycoEpitope 27.8 KJin-Dong Kim2024-09-18Developing
Goldhamster2_Cellosaurus 27.5 Kzebet2023-11-29Developing
PennBioIE The PennBioIE corpus (0.9) covers two domains of biomedical knowledge. One is the inhibition of the cytochrome P450 family of enzymes (CYP450 or CYP for short) , and the other domain is the molecular genetics of dance (oncology or onco for short).23.8 KUPenn Biomedical Information Extraction ProjectYue Wang2023-11-26Released
uniprot-human Uniprot proteins for human21.8 KJin-Dong KimJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
GlyCosmos15-Glycan 21.4 KJin-Dong Kim2024-09-19Developing
Glycosmos6-GlycoEpitope Automatic annotation by PD-GlycoEpitope.19.9 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-28Developing
Nanbyo-330-20171127 Disease descriptions extracted from MHLW19.8 KToyofumi Fujiwara2023-11-26Testing
GO-MF Annotation for molecular functions as defined in the "Molecular Function" subtree of Gene Ontology19.7 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-12-04Testing
sonoma _19.3 KStandigm2023-11-24Testing
pubmed-sentences-benchmark A benchmark data for text segmentation into sentences. The source of annotation is the GENIA treebank v1.0. Following is the process taken. began with the GENIA treebank v1.0. sentence annotations were extracted and converted to PubAnnotation JSON. uploaded. 12 abstracts met alignment failure. among the 12 failure cases, 4 had a dot('.') character where there should be colon (':'). They were manually fixed then successfully uploaded: 7903907, 8053950, 8508358, 9415639. among the 12 failed abstracts, 8 were "250 word truncation" cases. They were manually fixed and successfully uploaded. During the fixing, manual annotations were added for the missing pieces of text. 30 abstracts had extra text in the end, indicating copyright statement, e.g., "Copyright 1998 Academic Press." They were annotated as a sentence in GTB. However, the text did not exist anymore in PubMed. Therefore, the extra texts were removed, together with the sentence annotation to them. 18.4 KGENIA projectJin-Dong Kim2023-11-28Released
preeclampsia_genes 17.8 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
test-210614 17.8 KJin-Dong Kim2024-01-05Testing
GO-CC Annotation for cellular components as defined in the "Cellular Component" subtree of Gene Ontology17.6 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-11-30Developing
testtesttest 17.4 KJin-Dong Kim2024-09-16Developing
LitCovid-sentences-v1 Sentence segmentation of all the texts in the LitCovid literature. The segmentation is automatically obtained using the TextSentencer annotation service developed and maintained by DBCLS.16.5 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-27Released
NameT# Ann. AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

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Genomics_Informatics 35.3 KHyun-Seok Parkewha-bio2023-11-29Beta
GlycoBiology-NCBITAXON 32.7 Kshuo502023-11-29Testing
CHEMDNER-training-test 29.4 KMartin Krallinger et al.Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-27Testing
OryzaGP 29.1 KHuy Do and Pierre LarmandeYue Wang2023-11-24Uploading
ASCO_abstracts 28 Kalo332023-11-29Testing
Glycosmos15-GlycoEpitope 27.8 KJin-Dong Kim2024-09-18Developing
Goldhamster2_Cellosaurus 27.5 Kzebet2023-11-29Developing
PennBioIE 23.8 KUPenn Biomedical Information Extraction ProjectYue Wang2023-11-26Released
uniprot-human 21.8 KJin-Dong KimJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
GlyCosmos15-Glycan 21.4 KJin-Dong Kim2024-09-19Developing
Glycosmos6-GlycoEpitope 19.9 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-28Developing
Nanbyo-330-20171127 19.8 KToyofumi Fujiwara2023-11-26Testing
GO-MF 19.7 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-12-04Testing
sonoma 19.3 KStandigm2023-11-24Testing
pubmed-sentences-benchmark 18.4 KGENIA projectJin-Dong Kim2023-11-28Released
preeclampsia_genes 17.8 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
test-210614 17.8 KJin-Dong Kim2024-01-05Testing
GO-CC 17.6 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-11-30Developing
testtesttest 17.4 KJin-Dong Kim2024-09-16Developing
LitCovid-sentences-v1 16.5 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-27Released