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NameTDescription# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_at Status

361-380 / 590 show all
Preeclampsia A collection of titles and abstracts of "Preeclampsia"-related papers. They were extracted from PubMed using the MeSH term "Preeclampsia" and specifying the language to be "English, on 11th September, 2017. The texts were then annotated by PubDictionaries using the dictionary "Preeclampsia".58.7 Kcallahan_tiff2023-11-29Developing
PubMed-French-test A collection of PubMed abstract written in French0Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
LitCovid-sample-GO-BP 691Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
GlyCosmos6-docs 0Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
bionlp-ost-19-BB-rel-ner-dev 1.98 Kldeleger2023-11-29Developing
UBERON-AE Annotation for anatomical entities based on the "Anatomical Entity" subtree of UBERON ontology. Annotations are automatically produced using PubDictionaries with threshold: 0.85.859 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
ASCO_abstracts asco abstracts sample dataset28 Kalo332023-11-29Testing
GlyCosmos600-MAT 863Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
Ab3P-abbreviations This corpus was developed during the creation of the Ab3P abbreviation definition identification tool. It includes 1250 manually annotated MEDLINE records. This gold standard includes 1221 abbreviation-definition pairs. Abbreviation definition identification based on automatic precision estimates Sunghwan Sohn, Donald C Comeau, Won Kim and W John Wilbur BMC Bioinformatics20089:402 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-9-4022.33 KSunghwan Sohn, Donald C Comeau, Won Kim and W John Wilburcomeau2023-11-29Beta
CoGe_Citation_Annotations Annotated PMC abstracts+full articles, that cite the "CoGe" papers (PMID: 18952863, 18269575). Total Num Citations: 165 Total Num Unique Citations: 141 Total Num Abstracts: 165 Total Num Whole Articles: 165 0Heather Lenthclent2023-11-29Uploading
GoldHamster 285 Kzebet2023-11-29Beta
bionlp-ost-19-BB-kb-test 2.04 Kldeleger2023-11-29Developing
KAIST_NLP_Annotation3 4.73 Kkaist_nlp2023-11-29Developing
KAIST_NLP_Annotation7 4.64 Kkaist_nlp2023-11-29Developing
LitCovid-OGER Using OGER (http://www.ontogene.org/resources/oger) to detect entities from 10 different vocabularies9.31 KFabio RinaldiNico Colic2023-11-29Released
MENA-example 5Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29
ICD10 Annotation for disease names as defined in ICD101.6 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
Molecular_Biology 0Sophie Nam2023-11-29
NCBIDiseaseCorpus The NCBI disease corpus is fully annotated at the mention and concept level to serve as a research resource for the biomedical natural language processing community.6.85 KRezarta Islamaj Doğan,Robert Leaman,Zhiyong LuChih-Hsuan Wei2023-11-29Released
hydroxychloroquine 2.59 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
NameT# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_at Status

361-380 / 590 show all
Preeclampsia 58.7 Kcallahan_tiff2023-11-29Developing
PubMed-French-test 0Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
LitCovid-sample-GO-BP 691Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
GlyCosmos6-docs 0Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
bionlp-ost-19-BB-rel-ner-dev 1.98 Kldeleger2023-11-29Developing
UBERON-AE 859 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
ASCO_abstracts 28 Kalo332023-11-29Testing
GlyCosmos600-MAT 863Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
Ab3P-abbreviations 2.33 KSunghwan Sohn, Donald C Comeau, Won Kim and W John Wilburcomeau2023-11-29Beta
CoGe_Citation_Annotations 0Heather Lenthclent2023-11-29Uploading
GoldHamster 285 Kzebet2023-11-29Beta
bionlp-ost-19-BB-kb-test 2.04 Kldeleger2023-11-29Developing
KAIST_NLP_Annotation3 4.73 Kkaist_nlp2023-11-29Developing
KAIST_NLP_Annotation7 4.64 Kkaist_nlp2023-11-29Developing
LitCovid-OGER 9.31 KFabio RinaldiNico Colic2023-11-29Released
MENA-example 5Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29
ICD10 1.6 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
Molecular_Biology 0Sophie Nam2023-11-29
NCBIDiseaseCorpus 6.85 KRezarta Islamaj Doğan,Robert Leaman,Zhiyong LuChih-Hsuan Wei2023-11-29Released
hydroxychloroquine 2.59 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing