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Name TDescription# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

501-520 / 590 show all
chenxin_473849 6Suexuan2024-08-26
chemicals 0pruas_182023-11-29Uploading
CHEMDNER-training-test The training subset of the CHEMDNER corpus29.4 KMartin Krallinger et al.Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-27Testing
CellFinder CellFinder corpus4.75 KMariana Neves, Alexander Damaschun, Andreas Kurtz, Ulf LeserMariana Neves2023-11-27Released
c_corpus Documents included in the c_corpus: https://github.com/SMAFIRA/c_corpus/blob/master/SMAFIRAc_0.4_Annotations.csv107 K2023-11-29Released
causal0001 test0ju-hyuck hanJu-Hyuck Han2024-01-17
cancer_precision for gene mutaiton and cancer therapy8serenity2023-11-29Testing
Briefings 0Sophie Nam2023-11-29
blah6_medical_device BLAH6 hackathon project to annotate medical device indications in premarket approval statement summaries. The documents in this project serve as a corpus of premarket approval (PMA) statements that have undergone quality control. In particular, we have (1) removed non-ascii characters, (2) fixed some text segmentation errors, and (3) fixed some capitalization errors.0Stefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-29Beta
blah6 device Annotator374slee72682023-11-28Testing
BLAH2021-glytoucan-iupac 0kiyoko2021-01-19
BLAH2015_Annotations_test_5 1.34 Knestoralvaronestoralvaro2023-11-30Testing
BLAH2015_Annotations_Adderall 0nestoralvaronestoralvaro2023-11-29Testing
Biotea NCBO annotation on full text for PMC articles. Currently including only a small set of 2811 articles corresponding to those supporting curated diesease-protein annotation from UniProt and with machine-processable full text.894 KL. Garcia2023-11-24Developing
biosemtest test submitting Peregrine annotations35.6 KMark Thompsonmarkthompson2023-11-29Testing
bionlp-st-pc-2013-training The training dataset from the pathway curation (PC) task in the BioNLP Shared Task 2013. The entity types defined in the PC task are simple chemical, gene or gene product, complex and cellular component.7.86 KNaCTeM and KISTIYue Wang2023-11-27Released
bionlp-st-id-2011-training The training dataset from the infectious diseases (ID) task in the BioNLP Shared Task 2011. Entity types: - Genes and gene products: gene, RNA, and protein name mentions. - Two-component systems: mentions of the names of two-component regulatory systems, frequently embedding the names of the two Proteins forming the system.- Chemicals: mentions of chemical compounds such as "NaCL".- Organisms: mentions of organism names or organism specification through specific properties (e.g. "graRS mutant").- Regulons/Operons: mentions of names of specific regulons and operons.5.61 KUniversity of Tokyo Tsujii Laboratory, NaCTeM and Biocomplexity Institute of Virginia TechYue Wang2023-11-28Released
bionlp-st-gro-2013-training The training data set of the BioNLP-ST 2013 GRO task, including 150 MEDLINE abstracts that are annotated with concepts and relations of the Gene Regulation Ontology (GRO; http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Rebholz-srv/GRO/GRO.html)8.02 KJung-jae KimJung-jae Kim2023-11-29Testing
bionlp-st-gro-2013-development The development data set of the BioNLP-ST 2013 GRO task, including 50 MEDLINE abstracts that are annotated with concepts and relations of the Gene Regulation Ontology (GRO; http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Rebholz-srv/GRO/GRO.html)2.66 KJung-jae KimJung-jae Kim2023-11-29Testing
bionlp-st-ge-2016-uniprot UniProt protein annotation to the benchmark data set of BioNLP-ST 2016 GE task: reference data set (bionlp-st-ge-2016-reference) and test data set (bionlp-st-ge-2016-test). The annotations are produced based on a dictionary which is semi-automatically compiled for the 34 full paper articles included in the benchmark data set (20 in the reference data set + 14 in the test data set). For detailed information about BioNLP-ST GE 2016 task data sets, please refer to the benchmark reference data set (bionlp-st-ge-2016-reference) and benchmark test data set (bionlp-st-ge-2016-test). 16.2 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Beta
Name T# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

501-520 / 590 show all
chenxin_473849 6Suexuan2024-08-26
chemicals 0pruas_182023-11-29Uploading
CHEMDNER-training-test 29.4 KMartin Krallinger et al.Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-27Testing
CellFinder 4.75 KMariana Neves, Alexander Damaschun, Andreas Kurtz, Ulf LeserMariana Neves2023-11-27Released
c_corpus 107 K2023-11-29Released
causal0001 0ju-hyuck hanJu-Hyuck Han2024-01-17
cancer_precision 8serenity2023-11-29Testing
Briefings 0Sophie Nam2023-11-29
blah6_medical_device 0Stefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-29Beta
blah6 374slee72682023-11-28Testing
BLAH2021-glytoucan-iupac 0kiyoko2021-01-19
BLAH2015_Annotations_test_5 1.34 Knestoralvaronestoralvaro2023-11-30Testing
BLAH2015_Annotations_Adderall 0nestoralvaronestoralvaro2023-11-29Testing
Biotea 894 KL. Garcia2023-11-24Developing
biosemtest 35.6 KMark Thompsonmarkthompson2023-11-29Testing
bionlp-st-pc-2013-training 7.86 KNaCTeM and KISTIYue Wang2023-11-27Released
bionlp-st-id-2011-training 5.61 KUniversity of Tokyo Tsujii Laboratory, NaCTeM and Biocomplexity Institute of Virginia TechYue Wang2023-11-28Released
bionlp-st-gro-2013-training 8.02 KJung-jae KimJung-jae Kim2023-11-29Testing
bionlp-st-gro-2013-development 2.66 KJung-jae KimJung-jae Kim2023-11-29Testing
bionlp-st-ge-2016-uniprot 16.2 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Beta