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NameT Description# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

441-460 / 590 show all
TEST0 3.37 MYue Wang2023-11-24
LitCoin-GeneOrGeneProduct-v3 GeneOrGeneProduct after false positive control4.67 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-24
demo4TogoSite 323AikoHIRAKI2023-11-26Developing
Zoonoses_partialAnnotation This is a part of Zoonoses project used by PanZoora. But Zoonoses project provides whole manual annotated data but this is partial ones.266AikoHIRAKI2023-11-27Released
LitCovid-TimeML 426 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
CORD-19-sample-MONDO 113Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
UseCases_ArguminSci_Discourse Predictions from ArguminSci(http://lelystad.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/) for the seven datasets and for discourse categories7.12 Kzebet2023-11-29Developing
LitCoin-sentences 4.94 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
CORD-19-PD-HP PubDictionaries annotation for HP terms - updated at 2020-04-30 Disease term annotation based on HP. Version 2020-04-20. The terms in HP are loaded in PubDictionaries, with which the annotations in this project are produced. The parameter configuration used for this project is here. Note that it is an automatically generated dictionary-based annotation. It will be updated periodically, as the documents are increased, and the dictionary is improved.1.15 MJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Released
Test-SequenceVariant 200Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-28
LitCovid-PD-HP-v1 PubDictionaries annotation for human phenotype terms - updated at 2020-04-20 Disease term annotation based on HP. Version 2020-04-20. The terms in HP are loaded in PubDictionaries, with which the annotations in this project are produced. The parameter configuration used for this project is here. Note that it is an automatically generated dictionary-based annotation. It will be updated periodically, as the documents are increased, and the dictionary is improved.3.03 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Released
funRiceGenes-all 1.51 KPubDictionariesYue Wang2023-11-29Developing
OryzaGP_2022 41.3 Klarmande2023-11-24
PubCasesORDO ORDO annotation in PubCases865 KToyofumi Fujiwara2023-11-24Beta
Zoonoses This is a main data sets of Zoonoses project used by PanZoora.10.3 KAikoHIRAKI2023-11-26Developing
CORD-19-PD-MONDO PubDictionaries annotation for MONDO terms - updated at 2020-04-30 It is disease term annotation based on MONDO. Version 2020-04-20. The terms in MONDO are loaded in PubDictionaries, with which the annotations in this project are produced. The parameter configuration used for this project is here. Note that it is an automatically generated dictionary-based annotation. It will be updated periodically, as the documents are increased, and the dictionary is improved.6.32 MJin-Dong Kim2023-11-27Released
craft-sa-dev Development data for CRAFT SA shared task. This project contains the development (training) annotations for the Structural Annotation task of the CRAFT Shared Task 2019. This particular set contains token and sentence annotations with tokens linked via dependency relations. These dependency relations were automatically generated using the manually curated CRAFT constituency treebank files as input.490 KUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campuscraft-st2023-11-27Released
LitCovid-sample-PD-GlycoEpitope 1Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-27Developing
LitCoin_Mondo 1.96 KYasunori Yamamoto2023-11-28Testing
LitCovid_AGAC 904xiajingbo2023-11-29
NameT # Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

441-460 / 590 show all
TEST0 3.37 MYue Wang2023-11-24
LitCoin-GeneOrGeneProduct-v3 4.67 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-24
demo4TogoSite 323AikoHIRAKI2023-11-26Developing
Zoonoses_partialAnnotation 266AikoHIRAKI2023-11-27Released
LitCovid-TimeML 426 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
CORD-19-sample-MONDO 113Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
UseCases_ArguminSci_Discourse 7.12 Kzebet2023-11-29Developing
LitCoin-sentences 4.94 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
CORD-19-PD-HP 1.15 MJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Released
Test-SequenceVariant 200Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-28
LitCovid-PD-HP-v1 3.03 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Released
funRiceGenes-all 1.51 KPubDictionariesYue Wang2023-11-29Developing
OryzaGP_2022 41.3 Klarmande2023-11-24
PubCasesORDO 865 KToyofumi Fujiwara2023-11-24Beta
Zoonoses 10.3 KAikoHIRAKI2023-11-26Developing
CORD-19-PD-MONDO 6.32 MJin-Dong Kim2023-11-27Released
craft-sa-dev 490 KUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campuscraft-st2023-11-27Released
LitCovid-sample-PD-GlycoEpitope 1Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-27Developing
LitCoin_Mondo 1.96 KYasunori Yamamoto2023-11-28Testing
LitCovid_AGAC 904xiajingbo2023-11-29