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Name TDescription# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

421-440 / 590 show all
PIR-corpus2 The protein tag was used to tag proteins, or protein-associated or -related objects, such as domains, pathways, expression of gene. Annotation guideline: http://pir.georgetown.edu/pirwww/about/doc/manietal.pdf5.52 KUniversity of Delaware and Georgetown University Medical CenterYue Wang2023-11-29Released
PMA_age_indications 1.57 Ktherightstef2023-11-29Developing
PMA_Manual Manually annotated examples of medical device PMA approval statements204Stefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-27Developing
PMA_MER PMAs annotated using MERpy.58.9 KStefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-29Developing
pmc-enju-pas Predicate-argument structure annotation produced by Enju. This data set is initially produced as a supporting resource for BioNLP-ST 2016 GE task. As so, it currently includes the 34 full paper articles that are in the benchmark data sets of GE 2016 task, reference data set (bionlp-st-ge-2016-reference) and test data set (bionlp-st-ge-2016-test), but will be extended to include more papers from the PubMed Central Open Access subset (PMCOA). 205 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-11-28Developing
PMC-KEGG Documents from PMC including the word KEGG, with names of software tools and databases marked. 27yucca2023-11-28Developing
PMID_GLOBAL Global sentencer tagging of public PMID abstracts. Open and publicly available to the global community.2.24 Malo332023-11-24Developing
pqqtest_sentence 565 Kyaoxinzhi2023-11-29Testing
Preeclampsia A collection of titles and abstracts of "Preeclampsia"-related papers. They were extracted from PubMed using the MeSH term "Preeclampsia" and specifying the language to be "English, on 11th September, 2017. The texts were then annotated by PubDictionaries using the dictionary "Preeclampsia".58.7 Kcallahan_tiff2023-11-29Developing
Preeclampsia-compare 67.2 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
preeclampsia_genes 17.8 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
proj_h_1 6.7 K2023-11-24
PT_NER_NEL Annotations in Portuguese COVID-19 related abstracts from MeSH terminology245LASIGE-DeSTpruas_182023-11-29Developing
PT_NER_NEL_CONSENSUS 354dpavot2023-11-27
PT_NER_NEL_Diana 318dpavot2023-11-24Developing
PT_NER_NEL_mabarros 328mabarros2023-11-30Developing
PT_NER_NEL_pruas 334Pedro Ruaspruas_182023-11-30Uploading
PubCasesCollection abstracts in PubCases0Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29
PubCasesHPO HPO annotation in PubCases3.18 MToyofumi Fujiwara2023-11-24Beta
PubCasesORDO ORDO annotation in PubCases865 KToyofumi Fujiwara2023-11-24Beta
Name T# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

421-440 / 590 show all
PIR-corpus2 5.52 KUniversity of Delaware and Georgetown University Medical CenterYue Wang2023-11-29Released
PMA_age_indications 1.57 Ktherightstef2023-11-29Developing
PMA_Manual 204Stefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-27Developing
PMA_MER 58.9 KStefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-29Developing
pmc-enju-pas 205 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-11-28Developing
PMC-KEGG 27yucca2023-11-28Developing
PMID_GLOBAL 2.24 Malo332023-11-24Developing
pqqtest_sentence 565 Kyaoxinzhi2023-11-29Testing
Preeclampsia 58.7 Kcallahan_tiff2023-11-29Developing
Preeclampsia-compare 67.2 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
preeclampsia_genes 17.8 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
proj_h_1 6.7 K2023-11-24
PT_NER_NEL 245LASIGE-DeSTpruas_182023-11-29Developing
PT_NER_NEL_CONSENSUS 354dpavot2023-11-27
PT_NER_NEL_Diana 318dpavot2023-11-24Developing
PT_NER_NEL_mabarros 328mabarros2023-11-30Developing
PT_NER_NEL_pruas 334Pedro Ruaspruas_182023-11-30Uploading
PubCasesCollection 0Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29
PubCasesHPO 3.18 MToyofumi Fujiwara2023-11-24Beta
PubCasesORDO 865 KToyofumi Fujiwara2023-11-24Beta