PMC:1942070 / 3700-4529 JSONTXT 19 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T27 0-24 Sentence denotes 2 Materials and methods
T28 26-89 Sentence denotes 2.1 Cell culture, transient transfections and cell stimulation
T1671 90-225 Sentence denotes The generation, culture and activation of PKD1−/−, PKD3−/− and PKD1/3−/− knockout DT40 B cell lines have been described previously [1].
T29 90-225 Sentence denotes The generation, culture and activation of PKD1−/−, PKD3−/− and PKD1/3−/− knockout DT40 B cell lines have been described previously [1].
T1672 226-338 Sentence denotes Cells were lysed and protein extracts were analysed in Western blotting experiments as previously described [1].
T30 226-338 Sentence denotes Cells were lysed and protein extracts were analysed in Western blotting experiments as previously described [1].
T1673 339-417 Sentence denotes Chloramphenicol acetyl transferase assays have been described previously [29].
T31 339-417 Sentence denotes Chloramphenicol acetyl transferase assays have been described previously [29].
T32 419-437 Sentence denotes 2.2 sIgM staining
T1865 438-635 Sentence denotes DT40 B cells (2 × 106 cells per point) were resuspended in 200 μl buffer (RPMI 1640 media, 1% foetal calf serum) containing anti-chicken M1 monoclonal antibody conjugated to FITC for 20 min on ice.
T33 438-635 Sentence denotes DT40 B cells (2 × 106 cells per point) were resuspended in 200 μl buffer (RPMI 1640 media, 1% foetal calf serum) containing anti-chicken M1 monoclonal antibody conjugated to FITC for 20 min on ice.
T1866 636-721 Sentence denotes The cells were washed twice and fluorescent intensity was analysed by flow cytometry.
T34 636-721 Sentence denotes The cells were washed twice and fluorescent intensity was analysed by flow cytometry.
T1867 722-828 Sentence denotes All results shown are representative of at two to four independent experiments unless otherwise indicated.
T35 722-828 Sentence denotes All results shown are representative of at two to four independent experiments unless otherwise indicated.