PubMed:14527713 / 1766-1785 JSONTXT 2 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
M_27 0-19 cand:TO:0000610-soluble to total protein ratio denotes recombinant protein
M_22 0-19 cand:funRiceGene:129-protein kinase denotes recombinant protein
M_23 0-19 cand:TO:0000325-soluble protein content denotes recombinant protein
M_24 0-19 cand:funRiceGene:211-protein phosphatase denotes recombinant protein
M_25 0-19 cand:TO:0000324-rubisco to soluble protein ratio denotes recombinant protein
M_26 0-19 cand:TO:0000598-protein content denotes recombinant protein
M_28 0-19 cand:TO:0000138-brown rice protein denotes recombinant protein
M_29 0-19 cand:funRiceGene:481-actin protein denotes recombinant protein
M_30 0-19 cand:funRiceGene:65-R protein denotes recombinant protein
M_31 0-19 cand:TO:0020075-barley malt protein denotes recombinant protein
M_32 0-19 cand:funRiceGene:26-grain protein denotes recombinant protein