PMC:1064895 / 19822-19872 JSONTXT 8 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14984 0-10 JJ denotes downstream
T14985 11-19 NN denotes effector
T14986 20-29 NN denotes molecules
T14987 30-32 IN denotes of
T14988 33-36 DT denotes the
T14989 37-41 NN denotes PI3K
T14990 42-49 NN denotes pathway
T14991 49-50 -COMMA- denotes ,
R8183 T14986 T14984 arg1Of molecules,downstream
R8184 T14986 T14985 arg1Of molecules,effector
R8185 T14986 T14987 arg1Of molecules,of
R8186 T14990 T14987 arg2Of pathway,of
R8187 T14990 T14988 arg1Of pathway,the
R8188 T14990 T14989 arg1Of pathway,PI3K