PMC:549712 / 49124-49649 4 Projects
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T14475 | 0-9 | NN | denotes | Targeting |
T14476 | 10-16 | NN | denotes | vector |
T14477 | 16-239 | sentence | denotes | A Ptdsr-containing bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone (GenBank accession number AC091694; RP-23-316F3) was isolated by sequence homology from a C57BL/6J genomic BAC library (RP-23; BACPAC Resources, Oakland, USA). |
T14478 | 17-18 | DT | denotes | A |
T14480 | 19-24 | NN | denotes | Ptdsr |
T14482 | 24-25 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T14481 | 25-35 | VBG | denotes | containing |
T14483 | 36-45 | JJ | denotes | bacterial |
T14485 | 46-56 | JJ | denotes | artificial |
T14484 | 57-67 | NN | denotes | chromosome |
T14486 | 68-69 | -LRB- | denotes | ( |
T14487 | 69-72 | NN | denotes | BAC |
T14488 | 72-73 | -RRB- | denotes | ) |
T14479 | 74-79 | NN | denotes | clone |
T14490 | 80-81 | -LRB- | denotes | ( |
T14492 | 81-88 | NNP | denotes | GenBank |
T14494 | 89-98 | NN | denotes | accession |
T14495 | 99-105 | NN | denotes | number |
T14493 | 106-114 | NN | denotes | AC091694 |
T14496 | 114-115 | : | denotes | ; |
T14491 | 116-118 | NN | denotes | RP |
T14497 | 118-119 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T14498 | 119-121 | CD | denotes | 23 |
T14499 | 121-122 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T14500 | 122-127 | CD | denotes | 316F3 |
T14501 | 127-128 | -RRB- | denotes | ) |
T14502 | 129-132 | VBD | denotes | was |
T14489 | 133-141 | VBN | denotes | isolated |
T14503 | 142-144 | IN | denotes | by |
T14504 | 145-153 | NN | denotes | sequence |
T14505 | 154-162 | NN | denotes | homology |
T14506 | 163-167 | IN | denotes | from |
T14507 | 168-169 | DT | denotes | a |
T14509 | 170-175 | NN | denotes | C57BL |
T14511 | 175-176 | HYPH | denotes | / |
T14510 | 176-178 | NN | denotes | 6J |
T14512 | 179-186 | JJ | denotes | genomic |
T14513 | 187-190 | NN | denotes | BAC |
T14508 | 191-198 | NN | denotes | library |
T14514 | 199-200 | -LRB- | denotes | ( |
T14516 | 200-202 | NN | denotes | RP |
T14517 | 202-203 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T14518 | 203-205 | CD | denotes | 23 |
T14519 | 205-206 | : | denotes | ; |
T14520 | 207-213 | NN | denotes | BACPAC |
T14515 | 214-223 | NNS | denotes | Resources |
T14521 | 223-225 | , | denotes | , |
T14522 | 225-232 | NNP | denotes | Oakland |
T14523 | 232-234 | , | denotes | , |
T14524 | 234-237 | NNP | denotes | USA |
T14525 | 237-238 | -RRB- | denotes | ) |
T14526 | 238-239 | . | denotes | . |
T14527 | 239-525 | sentence | denotes | A 14.5 kb KpnI/BamHI fragment containing the entire Ptdsr locus and 5' and 3' flanking regions was subcloned from this BAC clone and a 1.9 kb RsrII/AatII fragment containing exons I and II of the Ptdsr gene was replaced by a 1.2 kb loxP-flanked neomycin-resistance gene cassette (neo). |
T14528 | 240-241 | DT | denotes | A |
T14530 | 242-246 | CD | denotes | 14.5 |
T14531 | 247-249 | NN | denotes | kb |
T14532 | 250-254 | NN | denotes | KpnI |
T14534 | 254-255 | HYPH | denotes | / |
T14533 | 255-260 | NN | denotes | BamHI |
T14529 | 261-269 | NN | denotes | fragment |
T14536 | 270-280 | VBG | denotes | containing |
T14537 | 281-284 | DT | denotes | the |
T14539 | 285-291 | JJ | denotes | entire |
T14540 | 292-297 | NN | denotes | Ptdsr |
T14538 | 298-303 | NN | denotes | locus |
T14541 | 304-307 | CC | denotes | and |
T14542 | 308-309 | CD | denotes | 5 |
T14544 | 309-310 | SYM | denotes | ' |
T14545 | 311-314 | CC | denotes | and |
T14546 | 315-316 | CD | denotes | 3 |
T14547 | 316-317 | SYM | denotes | ' |
T14548 | 318-326 | NN | denotes | flanking |
T14543 | 327-334 | NNS | denotes | regions |
T14549 | 335-338 | VBD | denotes | was |
T14535 | 339-348 | VBN | denotes | subcloned |
T14550 | 349-353 | IN | denotes | from |
T14551 | 354-358 | DT | denotes | this |
T14553 | 359-362 | NN | denotes | BAC |
T14552 | 363-368 | NN | denotes | clone |
T14554 | 369-372 | CC | denotes | and |
T14555 | 373-374 | DT | denotes | a |
T14557 | 375-378 | CD | denotes | 1.9 |
T14558 | 379-381 | NN | denotes | kb |
T14559 | 382-387 | NN | denotes | RsrII |
T14561 | 387-388 | HYPH | denotes | / |
T14560 | 388-393 | NN | denotes | AatII |
T14556 | 394-402 | NN | denotes | fragment |
T14563 | 403-413 | VBG | denotes | containing |
T14564 | 414-419 | NNS | denotes | exons |
T14565 | 420-421 | CD | denotes | I |
T14566 | 422-425 | CC | denotes | and |
T14567 | 426-428 | CD | denotes | II |
T14568 | 429-431 | IN | denotes | of |
T14569 | 432-435 | DT | denotes | the |
T14571 | 436-441 | NN | denotes | Ptdsr |
T14570 | 442-446 | NN | denotes | gene |
T14572 | 447-450 | VBD | denotes | was |
T14562 | 451-459 | VBN | denotes | replaced |
T14573 | 460-462 | IN | denotes | by |
T14574 | 463-464 | DT | denotes | a |
T14576 | 465-468 | CD | denotes | 1.2 |
T14577 | 469-471 | NN | denotes | kb |
T14578 | 472-476 | NN | denotes | loxP |
T14580 | 476-477 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T14579 | 477-484 | VBN | denotes | flanked |
T14581 | 485-493 | NN | denotes | neomycin |
T14583 | 493-494 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T14582 | 494-504 | NN | denotes | resistance |
T14584 | 505-509 | NN | denotes | gene |
T14575 | 510-518 | NN | denotes | cassette |
T14585 | 519-520 | -LRB- | denotes | ( |
T14586 | 520-523 | NN | denotes | neo |
T14587 | 523-524 | -RRB- | denotes | ) |
T14588 | 524-525 | . | denotes | . |
R8632 | T14475 | T14476 | compound | Targeting,vector |
R8633 | T14478 | T14479 | det | A,clone |
R8634 | T14479 | T14489 | nsubjpass | clone,isolated |
R8635 | T14480 | T14481 | npadvmod | Ptdsr,containing |
R8636 | T14481 | T14479 | amod | containing,clone |
R8637 | T14482 | T14481 | punct | -,containing |
R8638 | T14483 | T14484 | amod | bacterial,chromosome |
R8639 | T14484 | T14479 | nmod | chromosome,clone |
R8640 | T14485 | T14484 | amod | artificial,chromosome |
R8641 | T14486 | T14484 | punct | (,chromosome |
R8642 | T14487 | T14484 | appos | BAC,chromosome |
R8643 | T14488 | T14479 | punct | ),clone |
R8644 | T14490 | T14491 | punct | (,RP |
R8645 | T14491 | T14479 | parataxis | RP,clone |
R8646 | T14492 | T14493 | compound | GenBank,AC091694 |
R8647 | T14493 | T14491 | dep | AC091694,RP |
R8648 | T14494 | T14493 | compound | accession,AC091694 |
R8649 | T14495 | T14493 | compound | number,AC091694 |
R8650 | T14496 | T14491 | punct | ;,RP |
R8651 | T14497 | T14491 | punct | -,RP |
R8652 | T14498 | T14491 | nummod | 23,RP |
R8653 | T14499 | T14491 | punct | -,RP |
R8654 | T14500 | T14491 | nummod | 316F3,RP |
R8655 | T14501 | T14491 | punct | ),RP |
R8656 | T14502 | T14489 | auxpass | was,isolated |
R8657 | T14503 | T14489 | prep | by,isolated |
R8658 | T14504 | T14505 | compound | sequence,homology |
R8659 | T14505 | T14503 | pobj | homology,by |
R8660 | T14506 | T14505 | prep | from,homology |
R8661 | T14507 | T14508 | det | a,library |
R8662 | T14508 | T14506 | pobj | library,from |
R8663 | T14509 | T14510 | nmod | C57BL,6J |
R8664 | T14510 | T14508 | nmod | 6J,library |
R8665 | T14511 | T14510 | punct | /,6J |
R8666 | T14512 | T14508 | amod | genomic,library |
R8667 | T14513 | T14508 | compound | BAC,library |
R8668 | T14514 | T14515 | punct | (,Resources |
R8669 | T14515 | T14508 | parataxis | Resources,library |
R8670 | T14516 | T14515 | dep | RP,Resources |
R8671 | T14517 | T14516 | punct | -,RP |
R8672 | T14518 | T14516 | nummod | 23,RP |
R8673 | T14519 | T14515 | punct | ;,Resources |
R8674 | T14520 | T14515 | compound | BACPAC,Resources |
R8675 | T14521 | T14515 | punct | ", ",Resources |
R8676 | T14522 | T14515 | npadvmod | Oakland,Resources |
R8677 | T14523 | T14515 | punct | ", ",Resources |
R8678 | T14524 | T14515 | npadvmod | USA,Resources |
R8679 | T14525 | T14515 | punct | ),Resources |
R8680 | T14526 | T14489 | punct | .,isolated |
R8681 | T14528 | T14529 | det | A,fragment |
R8682 | T14529 | T14535 | nsubjpass | fragment,subcloned |
R8683 | T14530 | T14531 | nummod | 14.5,kb |
R8684 | T14531 | T14529 | compound | kb,fragment |
R8685 | T14532 | T14533 | compound | KpnI,BamHI |
R8686 | T14533 | T14529 | compound | BamHI,fragment |
R8687 | T14534 | T14533 | punct | /,BamHI |
R8688 | T14536 | T14529 | acl | containing,fragment |
R8689 | T14537 | T14538 | det | the,locus |
R8690 | T14538 | T14536 | dobj | locus,containing |
R8691 | T14539 | T14538 | amod | entire,locus |
R8692 | T14540 | T14538 | compound | Ptdsr,locus |
R8693 | T14541 | T14538 | cc | and,locus |
R8694 | T14542 | T14543 | nummod | 5,regions |
R8695 | T14543 | T14538 | conj | regions,locus |
R8696 | T14544 | T14542 | punct | ',5 |
R8697 | T14545 | T14542 | cc | and,5 |
R8698 | T14546 | T14542 | conj | 3,5 |
R8699 | T14547 | T14546 | punct | ',3 |
R8700 | T14548 | T14543 | compound | flanking,regions |
R8701 | T14549 | T14535 | auxpass | was,subcloned |
R8702 | T14550 | T14535 | prep | from,subcloned |
R8703 | T14551 | T14552 | det | this,clone |
R8704 | T14552 | T14550 | pobj | clone,from |
R8705 | T14553 | T14552 | compound | BAC,clone |
R8706 | T14554 | T14535 | cc | and,subcloned |
R8707 | T14555 | T14556 | det | a,fragment |
R8708 | T14556 | T14562 | nsubjpass | fragment,replaced |
R8709 | T14557 | T14558 | nummod | 1.9,kb |
R8710 | T14558 | T14556 | compound | kb,fragment |
R8711 | T14559 | T14560 | compound | RsrII,AatII |
R8712 | T14560 | T14556 | compound | AatII,fragment |
R8713 | T14561 | T14560 | punct | /,AatII |
R8714 | T14562 | T14535 | conj | replaced,subcloned |
R8715 | T14563 | T14556 | acl | containing,fragment |
R8716 | T14564 | T14565 | nmod | exons,I |
R8717 | T14565 | T14563 | dobj | I,containing |
R8718 | T14566 | T14565 | cc | and,I |
R8719 | T14567 | T14565 | conj | II,I |
R8720 | T14568 | T14565 | prep | of,I |
R8721 | T14569 | T14570 | det | the,gene |
R8722 | T14570 | T14568 | pobj | gene,of |
R8723 | T14571 | T14570 | compound | Ptdsr,gene |
R8724 | T14572 | T14562 | auxpass | was,replaced |
R8725 | T14573 | T14562 | prep | by,replaced |
R8726 | T14574 | T14575 | det | a,cassette |
R8727 | T14575 | T14573 | pobj | cassette,by |
R8728 | T14576 | T14577 | nummod | 1.2,kb |
R8729 | T14577 | T14575 | nmod | kb,cassette |
R8730 | T14578 | T14579 | npadvmod | loxP,flanked |
R8731 | T14579 | T14575 | amod | flanked,cassette |
R8732 | T14580 | T14579 | punct | -,flanked |
R8733 | T14581 | T14582 | compound | neomycin,resistance |
R8734 | T14582 | T14575 | compound | resistance,cassette |
R8735 | T14583 | T14582 | punct | -,resistance |
R8736 | T14584 | T14575 | compound | gene,cassette |
R8737 | T14585 | T14586 | punct | (,neo |
R8738 | T14586 | T14575 | parataxis | neo,cassette |
R8739 | T14587 | T14586 | punct | ),neo |
R8740 | T14588 | T14562 | punct | .,replaced |