PMC:314463 / 22963-23206 4 Projects
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T4956 | 0-243 | sentence | denotes | However, the deletion removes 534 of the 602 amino acids encoded by Tbx15 (including the T-box DNA-binding domain), deH/+ animals are grossly normal, and the phenotype of deH/deH animals is identical to that described for the original allele. |
T4957 | 1-8 | RB | denotes | However |
T4959 | 8-10 | , | denotes | , |
T4960 | 10-13 | DT | denotes | the |
T4961 | 14-22 | NN | denotes | deletion |
T4958 | 23-30 | VBZ | denotes | removes |
T4962 | 31-34 | CD | denotes | 534 |
T4964 | 35-37 | IN | denotes | of |
T4965 | 38-41 | DT | denotes | the |
T4963 | 42-45 | CD | denotes | 602 |
T4967 | 46-51 | NN | denotes | amino |
T4966 | 52-57 | NNS | denotes | acids |
T4968 | 58-65 | VBN | denotes | encoded |
T4969 | 66-68 | IN | denotes | by |
T4970 | 69-74 | NN | denotes | Tbx15 |
T4971 | 75-76 | -LRB- | denotes | ( |
T4972 | 76-85 | VBG | denotes | including |
T4973 | 86-89 | DT | denotes | the |
T4975 | 90-91 | NN | denotes | T |
T4977 | 91-92 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T4976 | 92-95 | NN | denotes | box |
T4978 | 96-99 | NN | denotes | DNA |
T4980 | 99-100 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T4979 | 100-107 | VBG | denotes | binding |
T4974 | 108-114 | NN | denotes | domain |
T4981 | 114-115 | -RRB- | denotes | ) |
T4982 | 115-117 | , | denotes | , |
T4983 | 117-120 | NN | denotes | deH |
T4985 | 120-121 | HYPH | denotes | / |
T4986 | 121-122 | SYM | denotes | + |
T4984 | 123-130 | NNS | denotes | animals |
T4987 | 131-134 | VBP | denotes | are |
T4988 | 135-142 | RB | denotes | grossly |
T4989 | 143-149 | JJ | denotes | normal |
T4990 | 149-151 | , | denotes | , |
T4991 | 151-154 | CC | denotes | and |
T4992 | 155-158 | DT | denotes | the |
T4993 | 159-168 | NN | denotes | phenotype |
T4995 | 169-171 | IN | denotes | of |
T4996 | 172-175 | NN | denotes | deH |
T4998 | 175-176 | HYPH | denotes | / |
T4997 | 176-179 | NN | denotes | deH |
T4999 | 180-187 | NNS | denotes | animals |
T4994 | 188-190 | VBZ | denotes | is |
T5000 | 191-200 | JJ | denotes | identical |
T5001 | 201-203 | IN | denotes | to |
T5002 | 204-208 | DT | denotes | that |
T5003 | 209-218 | VBN | denotes | described |
T5004 | 219-222 | IN | denotes | for |
T5005 | 223-226 | DT | denotes | the |
T5007 | 227-235 | JJ | denotes | original |
T5006 | 236-242 | NN | denotes | allele |
T5008 | 242-243 | . | denotes | . |
R3414 | T4957 | T4958 | advmod | However,removes |
R3415 | T4959 | T4958 | punct | ", ",removes |
R3416 | T4960 | T4961 | det | the,deletion |
R3417 | T4961 | T4958 | nsubj | deletion,removes |
R3418 | T4962 | T4963 | quantmod | 534,602 |
R3419 | T4963 | T4966 | nummod | 602,acids |
R3420 | T4964 | T4963 | quantmod | of,602 |
R3421 | T4965 | T4963 | quantmod | the,602 |
R3422 | T4966 | T4958 | dobj | acids,removes |
R3423 | T4967 | T4966 | compound | amino,acids |
R3424 | T4968 | T4966 | acl | encoded,acids |
R3425 | T4969 | T4968 | agent | by,encoded |
R3426 | T4970 | T4969 | pobj | Tbx15,by |
R3427 | T4971 | T4966 | punct | (,acids |
R3428 | T4972 | T4966 | prep | including,acids |
R3429 | T4973 | T4974 | det | the,domain |
R3430 | T4974 | T4972 | pobj | domain,including |
R3431 | T4975 | T4976 | nmod | T,box |
R3432 | T4976 | T4974 | nmod | box,domain |
R3433 | T4977 | T4976 | punct | -,box |
R3434 | T4978 | T4979 | npadvmod | DNA,binding |
R3435 | T4979 | T4974 | amod | binding,domain |
R3436 | T4980 | T4979 | punct | -,binding |
R3437 | T4981 | T4958 | punct | ),removes |
R3438 | T4982 | T4958 | punct | ", ",removes |
R3439 | T4983 | T4984 | nmod | deH,animals |
R3440 | T4984 | T4987 | nsubj | animals,are |
R3441 | T4985 | T4983 | punct | /,deH |
R3442 | T4986 | T4983 | punct | +,deH |
R3443 | T4987 | T4958 | conj | are,removes |
R3444 | T4988 | T4989 | advmod | grossly,normal |
R3445 | T4989 | T4987 | acomp | normal,are |
R3446 | T4990 | T4987 | punct | ", ",are |
R3447 | T4991 | T4987 | cc | and,are |
R3448 | T4992 | T4993 | det | the,phenotype |
R3449 | T4993 | T4994 | nsubj | phenotype,is |
R3450 | T4994 | T4987 | conj | is,are |
R3451 | T4995 | T4993 | prep | of,phenotype |
R3452 | T4996 | T4997 | compound | deH,deH |
R3453 | T4997 | T4999 | compound | deH,animals |
R3454 | T4998 | T4997 | punct | /,deH |
R3455 | T4999 | T4995 | pobj | animals,of |
R3456 | T5000 | T4994 | acomp | identical,is |
R3457 | T5001 | T5000 | prep | to,identical |
R3458 | T5002 | T5001 | pobj | that,to |
R3459 | T5003 | T5002 | acl | described,that |
R3460 | T5004 | T5003 | prep | for,described |
R3461 | T5005 | T5006 | det | the,allele |
R3462 | T5006 | T5004 | pobj | allele,for |
R3463 | T5007 | T5006 | amod | original,allele |
R3464 | T5008 | T4994 | punct | .,is |