PMC:1941754 / 39252-39642 JSONTXT 3 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8157 0-6 NN denotes Trip13
T8159 7-10 VBD denotes was
T8158 11-20 VBN denotes amplified
T8160 21-25 IN denotes from
T8161 26-33 NNS denotes samples
T8162 34-36 IN denotes of
T8163 37-45 NNP denotes Clontech
T8165 45-47 POS denotes 's
T8166 48-53 NN denotes Mouse
T8167 54-62 JJ denotes Multiple
T8168 63-69 NN denotes Tissue
T8169 70-74 NN denotes cDNA
T8164 75-80 NN denotes Panel
T8170 81-82 CD denotes I
T8171 83-84 -LRB- denotes (
T8172 84-107 NN denotes
T8173 107-108 -RRB- denotes )
T8174 108-110 , denotes ,
T8175 110-115 VBG denotes using
T8176 116-119 DT denotes the
T8178 120-129 VBG denotes following
T8177 130-137 NNS denotes primers
T8179 137-139 : denotes :
T8180 139-140 CD denotes 5
T8182 140-141 SYM denotes
T8183 141-142 HYPH denotes -
T8184 162-163 HYPH denotes -
T8185 163-164 CD denotes 3
T8186 164-165 SYM denotes
T8187 166-167 -LRB- denotes (
T8188 167-171 NN denotes TRP3
T8190 171-172 HYPH denotes -
T8189 172-174 NN denotes 6F
T8191 174-175 -RRB- denotes )
T8192 176-179 CC denotes and
T8193 180-181 CD denotes 5
T8195 181-182 SYM denotes
T8196 182-183 HYPH denotes -
T8197 203-204 HYPH denotes -
T8198 204-205 CD denotes 3
T8199 205-206 SYM denotes
T8200 207-208 -LRB- denotes (
T8201 208-212 NN denotes TRP3
T8203 212-213 HYPH denotes -
T8202 213-215 NN denotes 6R
T8204 215-216 -RRB- denotes )
T8205 216-217 . denotes .
T8206 217-309 sentence denotes These primers correspond to exons 3 and 6, respectively, and amplify a 330-bp cDNA product.
T8207 218-223 DT denotes These
T8208 224-231 NNS denotes primers
T8209 232-242 VBP denotes correspond
T8210 243-245 IN denotes to
T8211 246-251 NNS denotes exons
T8212 252-253 CD denotes 3
T8213 254-257 CC denotes and
T8214 258-259 CD denotes 6
T8215 259-261 , denotes ,
T8216 261-273 RB denotes respectively
T8217 273-275 , denotes ,
T8218 275-278 CC denotes and
T8219 279-286 VB denotes amplify
T8220 287-288 DT denotes a
T8222 289-292 CD denotes 330
T8224 292-293 HYPH denotes -
T8223 293-295 NN denotes bp
T8225 296-300 NN denotes cDNA
T8221 301-308 NN denotes product
T8226 308-309 . denotes .
T8227 309-389 sentence denotes The cDNAs in this panel are equalized to allow quantitative analysis by RT-PCR.
T8228 310-313 DT denotes The
T8229 314-319 NNS denotes cDNAs
T8231 320-322 IN denotes in
T8232 323-327 DT denotes this
T8233 328-333 NN denotes panel
T8234 334-337 VBP denotes are
T8230 338-347 VBN denotes equalized
T8235 348-350 TO denotes to
T8236 351-356 VB denotes allow
T8237 357-369 JJ denotes quantitative
T8238 370-378 NN denotes analysis
T8239 379-381 IN denotes by
T8240 382-384 NN denotes RT
T8242 384-385 HYPH denotes -
T8241 385-388 NN denotes PCR
T8243 388-389 . denotes .
R5469 T8157 T8158 nsubjpass Trip13,amplified
R5470 T8159 T8158 auxpass was,amplified
R5471 T8160 T8158 prep from,amplified
R5472 T8161 T8160 pobj samples,from
R5473 T8162 T8161 prep of,samples
R5474 T8163 T8164 poss Clontech,Panel
R5475 T8164 T8162 pobj Panel,of
R5476 T8165 T8163 case 's,Clontech
R5477 T8166 T8164 nmod Mouse,Panel
R5478 T8167 T8168 amod Multiple,Tissue
R5479 T8168 T8164 compound Tissue,Panel
R5480 T8169 T8164 compound cDNA,Panel
R5481 T8170 T8164 nummod I,Panel
R5482 T8171 T8172 punct (,
R5483 T8172 T8161 parataxis,samples
R5484 T8173 T8172 punct ),
R5485 T8174 T8158 punct ", ",amplified
R5486 T8175 T8158 advcl using,amplified
R5487 T8176 T8177 det the,primers
R5488 T8177 T8175 dobj primers,using
R5489 T8178 T8177 amod following,primers
R5490 T8179 T8177 punct : ,primers
R5491 T8180 T8181 nummod 5,GCACCATTGCACTTCACATC
R5492 T8181 T8177 appos GCACCATTGCACTTCACATC,primers
R5493 T8182 T8180 punct ′,5
R5494 T8183 T8181 punct -,GCACCATTGCACTTCACATC
R5495 T8184 T8181 punct -,GCACCATTGCACTTCACATC
R5496 T8185 T8181 nummod 3,GCACCATTGCACTTCACATC
R5497 T8186 T8181 punct ′,GCACCATTGCACTTCACATC
R5498 T8187 T8181 punct (,GCACCATTGCACTTCACATC
R5499 T8188 T8189 compound TRP3,6F
R5501 T8190 T8189 punct -,6F
R5502 T8191 T8181 punct ),GCACCATTGCACTTCACATC
R5504 T8193 T8194 nummod 5,TGACCATCAGACTGTCGAGC
R5506 T8195 T8193 punct ′,5
R5507 T8196 T8194 punct -,TGACCATCAGACTGTCGAGC
R5508 T8197 T8194 punct -,TGACCATCAGACTGTCGAGC
R5509 T8198 T8194 nummod 3,TGACCATCAGACTGTCGAGC
R5510 T8199 T8194 punct ′,TGACCATCAGACTGTCGAGC
R5511 T8200 T8194 punct (,TGACCATCAGACTGTCGAGC
R5512 T8201 T8202 compound TRP3,6R
R5514 T8203 T8202 punct -,6R
R5515 T8204 T8158 punct ),amplified
R5516 T8205 T8158 punct .,amplified
R5517 T8207 T8208 det These,primers
R5518 T8208 T8209 nsubj primers,correspond
R5519 T8210 T8209 prep to,correspond
R5520 T8211 T8212 nmod exons,3
R5521 T8212 T8210 pobj 3,to
R5522 T8213 T8212 cc and,3
R5523 T8214 T8212 conj 6,3
R5524 T8215 T8209 punct ", ",correspond
R5525 T8216 T8209 advmod respectively,correspond
R5526 T8217 T8209 punct ", ",correspond
R5527 T8218 T8209 cc and,correspond
R5528 T8219 T8209 conj amplify,correspond
R5529 T8220 T8221 det a,product
R5530 T8221 T8219 dobj product,amplify
R5531 T8222 T8223 nummod 330,bp
R5532 T8223 T8221 compound bp,product
R5533 T8224 T8223 punct -,bp
R5534 T8225 T8221 compound cDNA,product
R5535 T8226 T8209 punct .,correspond
R5536 T8228 T8229 det The,cDNAs
R5537 T8229 T8230 nsubjpass cDNAs,equalized
R5538 T8231 T8229 prep in,cDNAs
R5539 T8232 T8233 det this,panel
R5540 T8233 T8231 pobj panel,in
R5541 T8234 T8230 auxpass are,equalized
R5542 T8235 T8236 aux to,allow
R5543 T8236 T8230 advcl allow,equalized
R5544 T8237 T8238 amod quantitative,analysis
R5545 T8238 T8236 dobj analysis,allow
R5546 T8239 T8238 prep by,analysis
R5547 T8240 T8241 compound RT,PCR
R5548 T8241 T8239 pobj PCR,by
R5549 T8242 T8241 punct -,PCR
R5550 T8243 T8230 punct .,equalized