PMC:149366 / 4807-5558 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1476 0-2 TO denotes To
T1477 3-13 VB denotes appreciate
T1479 14-17 DT denotes the
T1480 18-25 NNS denotes effects
T1481 26-28 IN denotes of
T1482 29-32 DT denotes the
T1484 33-38 NN denotes Brn3c
T1485 39-43 JJ denotes null
T1483 44-52 NN denotes mutation
T1486 53-55 IN denotes on
T1487 56-59 DT denotes the
T1488 60-67 NN denotes pattern
T1489 68-70 IN denotes of
T1490 71-74 DT denotes the
T1492 75-80 JJ denotes inner
T1493 81-84 NN denotes ear
T1491 85-96 NN denotes innervation
T1494 96-98 , denotes ,
T1495 98-100 PRP denotes we
T1496 101-106 RB denotes first
T1478 107-111 VBP denotes want
T1497 112-114 TO denotes to
T1498 115-122 VB denotes present
T1499 123-126 DT denotes the
T1500 127-134 NNS denotes effects
T1501 135-137 IN denotes of
T1502 138-142 NN denotes BDNF
T1504 143-146 CC denotes and
T1505 147-149 NN denotes NT
T1506 149-150 HYPH denotes -
T1507 150-151 CD denotes 3
T1508 152-156 JJ denotes null
T1503 157-166 NNS denotes mutations
T1509 167-169 IN denotes at
T1510 170-175 NN denotes birth
T1511 176-177 -LRB- denotes [
T1513 177-178 CD denotes 6
T1514 178-179 , denotes ,
T1515 179-181 CD denotes 13
T1516 181-182 , denotes ,
T1512 182-184 CD denotes 14
T1517 184-185 -RRB- denotes ]
T1518 185-186 . denotes .
T1519 186-363 sentence denotes Null mutants of BDNF or its receptor trkB lose all innervation to the semicircular canals and have a reduced innervation to the utricle, saccule and apical turn of the cochlea.
T1520 187-191 JJ denotes Null
T1521 192-199 NNS denotes mutants
T1523 200-202 IN denotes of
T1524 203-207 NN denotes BDNF
T1525 208-210 CC denotes or
T1526 211-214 PRP$ denotes its
T1527 215-223 NN denotes receptor
T1528 224-228 NN denotes trkB
T1522 229-233 VBP denotes lose
T1529 234-237 DT denotes all
T1530 238-249 NN denotes innervation
T1531 250-252 IN denotes to
T1532 253-256 DT denotes the
T1534 257-269 JJ denotes semicircular
T1533 270-276 NNS denotes canals
T1535 277-280 CC denotes and
T1536 281-285 VBP denotes have
T1537 286-287 DT denotes a
T1539 288-295 VBN denotes reduced
T1538 296-307 NN denotes innervation
T1540 308-310 IN denotes to
T1541 311-314 DT denotes the
T1542 315-322 NN denotes utricle
T1543 322-324 , denotes ,
T1544 324-331 NN denotes saccule
T1545 332-335 CC denotes and
T1546 336-342 JJ denotes apical
T1547 343-347 NN denotes turn
T1548 348-350 IN denotes of
T1549 351-354 DT denotes the
T1550 355-362 NN denotes cochlea
T1551 362-363 . denotes .
T1552 363-560 sentence denotes In contrast, null mutations of either NT-3 or its receptor trkC result in loss of spiral neurons in the basal turn with formation of an inner spiral bundle of afferents extending to the basal tip.
T1553 364-366 IN denotes In
T1555 367-375 NN denotes contrast
T1556 375-377 , denotes ,
T1557 377-381 JJ denotes null
T1558 382-391 NNS denotes mutations
T1559 392-394 IN denotes of
T1560 395-401 CC denotes either
T1561 402-404 NN denotes NT
T1562 404-405 HYPH denotes -
T1563 405-406 CD denotes 3
T1564 407-409 CC denotes or
T1565 410-413 PRP$ denotes its
T1566 414-422 NN denotes receptor
T1567 423-427 NN denotes trkC
T1554 428-434 VBP denotes result
T1568 435-437 IN denotes in
T1569 438-442 NN denotes loss
T1570 443-445 IN denotes of
T1571 446-452 JJ denotes spiral
T1572 453-460 NNS denotes neurons
T1573 461-463 IN denotes in
T1574 464-467 DT denotes the
T1576 468-473 JJ denotes basal
T1575 474-478 NN denotes turn
T1577 479-483 IN denotes with
T1578 484-493 NN denotes formation
T1579 494-496 IN denotes of
T1580 497-499 DT denotes an
T1582 500-505 JJ denotes inner
T1583 506-512 JJ denotes spiral
T1581 513-519 NN denotes bundle
T1584 520-522 IN denotes of
T1585 523-532 NNS denotes afferents
T1586 533-542 VBG denotes extending
T1587 543-545 IN denotes to
T1588 546-549 DT denotes the
T1590 550-555 JJ denotes basal
T1589 556-559 NN denotes tip
T1591 559-560 . denotes .
T1592 560-751 sentence denotes Our null hypothesis for this study would be that Brn3c null mice show severe compromised production of these neurotrophins and should therefore show a comparable pattern of nerve fiber loss.
T1593 561-564 PRP$ denotes Our
T1595 565-569 JJ denotes null
T1594 570-580 NN denotes hypothesis
T1597 581-584 IN denotes for
T1598 585-589 DT denotes this
T1599 590-595 NN denotes study
T1600 596-601 MD denotes would
T1596 602-604 VB denotes be
T1601 605-609 IN denotes that
T1603 610-615 NN denotes Brn3c
T1605 616-620 JJ denotes null
T1604 621-625 NNS denotes mice
T1602 626-630 VBP denotes show
T1606 631-637 JJ denotes severe
T1608 638-649 VBN denotes compromised
T1607 650-660 NN denotes production
T1609 661-663 IN denotes of
T1610 664-669 DT denotes these
T1611 670-683 NNS denotes neurotrophins
T1612 684-687 CC denotes and
T1613 688-694 MD denotes should
T1615 695-704 RB denotes therefore
T1614 705-709 VB denotes show
T1616 710-711 DT denotes a
T1618 712-722 JJ denotes comparable
T1617 723-730 NN denotes pattern
T1619 731-733 IN denotes of
T1620 734-739 NN denotes nerve
T1621 740-745 NN denotes fiber
T1622 746-750 NN denotes loss
T1623 750-751 . denotes .
R854 T1476 T1477 aux To,appreciate
R855 T1477 T1478 advcl appreciate,want
R856 T1479 T1480 det the,effects
R857 T1480 T1477 dobj effects,appreciate
R858 T1481 T1480 prep of,effects
R859 T1482 T1483 det the,mutation
R860 T1483 T1481 pobj mutation,of
R861 T1484 T1483 nmod Brn3c,mutation
R862 T1485 T1483 amod null,mutation
R863 T1486 T1480 prep on,effects
R864 T1487 T1488 det the,pattern
R865 T1488 T1486 pobj pattern,on
R866 T1489 T1488 prep of,pattern
R867 T1490 T1491 det the,innervation
R868 T1491 T1489 pobj innervation,of
R869 T1492 T1493 amod inner,ear
R870 T1493 T1491 compound ear,innervation
R871 T1494 T1478 punct ", ",want
R872 T1495 T1478 nsubj we,want
R873 T1496 T1478 advmod first,want
R874 T1497 T1498 aux to,present
R875 T1498 T1478 xcomp present,want
R876 T1499 T1500 det the,effects
R877 T1500 T1498 dobj effects,present
R878 T1501 T1500 prep of,effects
R879 T1502 T1503 nmod BDNF,mutations
R880 T1503 T1501 pobj mutations,of
R881 T1504 T1502 cc and,BDNF
R882 T1505 T1502 conj NT,BDNF
R883 T1506 T1505 punct -,NT
R884 T1507 T1505 nummod 3,NT
R885 T1508 T1503 amod null,mutations
R886 T1509 T1503 prep at,mutations
R887 T1510 T1509 pobj birth,at
R888 T1511 T1512 punct [,14
R889 T1512 T1478 parataxis 14,want
R890 T1513 T1512 nummod 6,14
R891 T1514 T1512 punct ",",14
R892 T1515 T1512 nummod 13,14
R893 T1516 T1512 punct ",",14
R894 T1517 T1512 punct ],14
R895 T1518 T1478 punct .,want
R896 T1520 T1521 amod Null,mutants
R897 T1521 T1522 nsubj mutants,lose
R898 T1523 T1521 prep of,mutants
R899 T1524 T1523 pobj BDNF,of
R900 T1525 T1524 cc or,BDNF
R901 T1526 T1527 poss its,receptor
R902 T1527 T1524 conj receptor,BDNF
R903 T1528 T1527 appos trkB,receptor
R904 T1529 T1530 det all,innervation
R905 T1530 T1522 dobj innervation,lose
R906 T1531 T1530 prep to,innervation
R907 T1532 T1533 det the,canals
R908 T1533 T1531 pobj canals,to
R909 T1534 T1533 amod semicircular,canals
R910 T1535 T1522 cc and,lose
R911 T1536 T1522 conj have,lose
R912 T1537 T1538 det a,innervation
R913 T1538 T1536 dobj innervation,have
R914 T1539 T1538 amod reduced,innervation
R915 T1540 T1538 prep to,innervation
R916 T1541 T1542 det the,utricle
R917 T1542 T1540 pobj utricle,to
R918 T1543 T1542 punct ", ",utricle
R919 T1544 T1542 conj saccule,utricle
R920 T1545 T1544 cc and,saccule
R921 T1546 T1547 amod apical,turn
R922 T1547 T1544 conj turn,saccule
R923 T1548 T1547 prep of,turn
R924 T1549 T1550 det the,cochlea
R925 T1550 T1548 pobj cochlea,of
R926 T1551 T1522 punct .,lose
R927 T1553 T1554 prep In,result
R928 T1555 T1553 pobj contrast,In
R929 T1556 T1554 punct ", ",result
R930 T1557 T1558 amod null,mutations
R931 T1558 T1554 nsubj mutations,result
R932 T1559 T1558 prep of,mutations
R933 T1560 T1561 preconj either,NT
R934 T1561 T1559 pobj NT,of
R935 T1562 T1561 punct -,NT
R936 T1563 T1561 nummod 3,NT
R937 T1564 T1561 cc or,NT
R938 T1565 T1566 poss its,receptor
R939 T1566 T1561 conj receptor,NT
R940 T1567 T1566 appos trkC,receptor
R941 T1568 T1554 prep in,result
R942 T1569 T1568 pobj loss,in
R943 T1570 T1569 prep of,loss
R944 T1571 T1572 amod spiral,neurons
R945 T1572 T1570 pobj neurons,of
R946 T1573 T1569 prep in,loss
R947 T1574 T1575 det the,turn
R948 T1575 T1573 pobj turn,in
R949 T1576 T1575 amod basal,turn
R950 T1577 T1569 prep with,loss
R951 T1578 T1577 pobj formation,with
R952 T1579 T1578 prep of,formation
R953 T1580 T1581 det an,bundle
R954 T1581 T1579 pobj bundle,of
R955 T1582 T1583 amod inner,spiral
R956 T1583 T1581 nmod spiral,bundle
R957 T1584 T1581 prep of,bundle
R958 T1585 T1584 pobj afferents,of
R959 T1586 T1581 acl extending,bundle
R960 T1587 T1586 prep to,extending
R961 T1588 T1589 det the,tip
R962 T1589 T1587 pobj tip,to
R963 T1590 T1589 amod basal,tip
R964 T1591 T1554 punct .,result
R965 T1593 T1594 poss Our,hypothesis
R966 T1594 T1596 nsubj hypothesis,be
R967 T1595 T1594 amod null,hypothesis
R968 T1597 T1594 prep for,hypothesis
R969 T1598 T1599 det this,study
R970 T1599 T1597 pobj study,for
R971 T1600 T1596 aux would,be
R972 T1601 T1602 mark that,show
R973 T1602 T1596 ccomp show,be
R974 T1603 T1604 nmod Brn3c,mice
R975 T1604 T1602 nsubj mice,show
R976 T1605 T1604 amod null,mice
R977 T1606 T1607 amod severe,production
R978 T1607 T1602 dobj production,show
R979 T1608 T1607 amod compromised,production
R980 T1609 T1607 prep of,production
R981 T1610 T1611 det these,neurotrophins
R982 T1611 T1609 pobj neurotrophins,of
R983 T1612 T1602 cc and,show
R984 T1613 T1614 aux should,show
R985 T1614 T1602 conj show,show
R986 T1615 T1614 advmod therefore,show
R987 T1616 T1617 det a,pattern
R988 T1617 T1614 dobj pattern,show
R989 T1618 T1617 amod comparable,pattern
R990 T1619 T1617 prep of,pattern
R991 T1620 T1621 compound nerve,fiber
R992 T1621 T1622 compound fiber,loss
R993 T1622 T1619 pobj loss,of
R994 T1623 T1596 punct .,be