PMC:1482699 / 20286-20367 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12374 0-81 sentence denotes Both sexes had significant reductions in length traits relative to control mice.
T12375 1-5 DT denotes Both
T12376 6-11 NNS denotes sexes
T12377 12-15 VBD denotes had
T12378 16-27 JJ denotes significant
T12379 28-38 NNS denotes reductions
T12380 39-41 IN denotes in
T12381 42-48 NN denotes length
T12382 49-55 NNS denotes traits
T12383 56-64 JJ denotes relative
T12384 65-67 IN denotes to
T12385 68-75 NN denotes control
T12386 76-80 NNS denotes mice
T12387 80-81 . denotes .
R3810 T12375 T12376 det Both,sexes
R3812 T12376 T12377 nsubj sexes,had
R3813 T12378 T12379 amod significant,reductions
R3814 T12379 T12377 dobj reductions,had
R3815 T12380 T12379 prep in,reductions
R3816 T12381 T12382 compound length,traits
R3819 T12382 T12380 pobj traits,in
R3821 T12383 T12377 advcl relative,had
R3822 T12384 T12383 prep to,relative
R3823 T12385 T12386 compound control,mice
R3825 T12386 T12384 pobj mice,to
R3826 T12387 T12377 punct .,had