PMC:1315279 / 24688-24783 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5689 0-3 DT denotes The
T5690 4-11 NN denotes Absence
T5692 12-14 IN denotes of
T5693 15-20 NN denotes Sam68
T5691 21-29 VBZ denotes Prevents
T5694 30-39 NN denotes Adipocyte
T5695 40-55 NN denotes Differentiation
T5696 56-59 CC denotes and
T5697 60-68 VBZ denotes Promotes
T5698 69-79 NN denotes Osteoblast
T5699 80-95 NN denotes Differentiation
R3377 T5689 T5690 det The,Absence
R3378 T5690 T5691 nsubj Absence,Prevents
R3379 T5692 T5690 prep of,Absence
R3380 T5693 T5692 pobj Sam68,of
R3381 T5694 T5695 compound Adipocyte,Differentiation
R3382 T5695 T5691 dobj Differentiation,Prevents
R3383 T5696 T5691 cc and,Prevents
R3384 T5697 T5691 conj Promotes,Prevents
R3385 T5698 T5699 compound Osteoblast,Differentiation
R3386 T5699 T5697 dobj Differentiation,Promotes