PMC:1189073 / 31741-32191 5 Projects
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T15507 | 0-10 | NN | denotes | Generation |
T15508 | 11-13 | IN | denotes | of |
T15509 | 14-17 | NN | denotes | ENU |
T15510 | 18-22 | NNS | denotes | mice |
T15511 | 23-26 | CC | denotes | and |
T15512 | 27-34 | NN | denotes | housing |
T15513 | 34-35 | . | denotes | . |
T15514 | 35-98 | sentence | denotes | ENU mutagenized C57BL/6 mice were generated as described [19]. |
T15515 | 36-39 | NN | denotes | ENU |
T15517 | 40-51 | VBN | denotes | mutagenized |
T15518 | 52-57 | NN | denotes | C57BL |
T15519 | 57-58 | HYPH | denotes | / |
T15520 | 58-59 | CD | denotes | 6 |
T15516 | 60-64 | NNS | denotes | mice |
T15522 | 65-69 | VBD | denotes | were |
T15521 | 70-79 | VBN | denotes | generated |
T15523 | 80-82 | IN | denotes | as |
T15524 | 83-92 | VBN | denotes | described |
T15525 | 93-94 | -LRB- | denotes | [ |
T15526 | 94-96 | CD | denotes | 19 |
T15527 | 96-97 | -RRB- | denotes | ] |
T15528 | 97-98 | . | denotes | . |
T15529 | 98-314 | sentence | denotes | Mice were maintained by backcrossing affected animals to C57BL/6 and housed in the Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation Specific Pathogen Free animal facility (La Jolla, California, United States). |
T15530 | 99-103 | NNS | denotes | Mice |
T15532 | 104-108 | VBD | denotes | were |
T15531 | 109-119 | VBN | denotes | maintained |
T15533 | 120-122 | IN | denotes | by |
T15534 | 123-135 | VBG | denotes | backcrossing |
T15535 | 136-144 | VBN | denotes | affected |
T15536 | 145-152 | NNS | denotes | animals |
T15537 | 153-155 | IN | denotes | to |
T15538 | 156-161 | NN | denotes | C57BL |
T15539 | 161-162 | HYPH | denotes | / |
T15540 | 162-163 | CD | denotes | 6 |
T15541 | 164-167 | CC | denotes | and |
T15542 | 168-174 | VBN | denotes | housed |
T15543 | 175-177 | IN | denotes | in |
T15544 | 178-181 | DT | denotes | the |
T15546 | 182-190 | NNP | denotes | Genomics |
T15545 | 191-200 | NNP | denotes | Institute |
T15547 | 201-203 | IN | denotes | of |
T15548 | 204-207 | DT | denotes | the |
T15550 | 208-216 | NNP | denotes | Novartis |
T15552 | 217-225 | NNP | denotes | Research |
T15551 | 226-236 | NNP | denotes | Foundation |
T15553 | 237-245 | NNP | denotes | Specific |
T15554 | 246-254 | NNP | denotes | Pathogen |
T15555 | 255-259 | NNP | denotes | Free |
T15556 | 260-266 | NNP | denotes | animal |
T15549 | 267-275 | NNP | denotes | facility |
T15557 | 276-277 | -LRB- | denotes | ( |
T15559 | 277-279 | NNP | denotes | La |
T15558 | 280-285 | NNP | denotes | Jolla |
T15560 | 285-287 | , | denotes | , |
T15561 | 287-297 | NNP | denotes | California |
T15562 | 297-299 | , | denotes | , |
T15563 | 299-305 | NNP | denotes | United |
T15564 | 306-312 | NNP | denotes | States |
T15565 | 312-313 | -RRB- | denotes | ) |
T15566 | 313-314 | . | denotes | . |
T15567 | 314-450 | sentence | denotes | All procedures were approved by the Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. |
T15568 | 315-318 | DT | denotes | All |
T15569 | 319-329 | NNS | denotes | procedures |
T15571 | 330-334 | VBD | denotes | were |
T15570 | 335-343 | VBN | denotes | approved |
T15572 | 344-346 | IN | denotes | by |
T15573 | 347-350 | DT | denotes | the |
T15575 | 351-359 | NNP | denotes | Genomics |
T15574 | 360-369 | NNP | denotes | Institute |
T15576 | 370-372 | IN | denotes | of |
T15577 | 373-376 | DT | denotes | the |
T15579 | 377-385 | NNP | denotes | Novartis |
T15581 | 386-394 | NNP | denotes | Research |
T15580 | 395-405 | NNP | denotes | Foundation |
T15582 | 406-419 | NNP | denotes | Institutional |
T15583 | 420-426 | NNP | denotes | Animal |
T15584 | 427-431 | NNP | denotes | Care |
T15585 | 432-435 | CC | denotes | and |
T15586 | 436-439 | NNP | denotes | Use |
T15578 | 440-449 | NNP | denotes | Committee |
T15587 | 449-450 | . | denotes | . |
R4474 | T15508 | T15507 | prep | of,Generation |
R4475 | T15509 | T15510 | compound | ENU,mice |
R4476 | T15510 | T15508 | pobj | mice,of |
R4477 | T15511 | T15507 | cc | and,Generation |
R4478 | T15512 | T15507 | conj | housing,Generation |
R4479 | T15513 | T15512 | punct | .,housing |
R4480 | T15515 | T15516 | nmod | ENU,mice |
R4481 | T15516 | T15521 | nsubjpass | mice,generated |
R4482 | T15517 | T15516 | amod | mutagenized,mice |
R4483 | T15518 | T15516 | nmod | C57BL,mice |
R4484 | T15519 | T15518 | punct | /,C57BL |
R4485 | T15520 | T15518 | nummod | 6,C57BL |
R4486 | T15522 | T15521 | auxpass | were,generated |
R4487 | T15523 | T15524 | mark | as,described |
R4488 | T15524 | T15521 | advcl | described,generated |
R4489 | T15525 | T15526 | punct | [,19 |
R4490 | T15526 | T15521 | parataxis | 19,generated |
R4491 | T15527 | T15526 | punct | ],19 |
R4492 | T15528 | T15521 | punct | .,generated |
R4493 | T15530 | T15531 | nsubjpass | Mice,maintained |
R4494 | T15532 | T15531 | auxpass | were,maintained |
R4495 | T15533 | T15531 | prep | by,maintained |
R4496 | T15534 | T15533 | pcomp | backcrossing,by |
R4497 | T15535 | T15536 | amod | affected,animals |
R4498 | T15536 | T15534 | dobj | animals,backcrossing |
R4499 | T15537 | T15534 | prep | to,backcrossing |
R4500 | T15538 | T15537 | pobj | C57BL,to |
R4501 | T15539 | T15538 | punct | /,C57BL |
R4502 | T15540 | T15538 | nummod | 6,C57BL |
R4503 | T15541 | T15531 | cc | and,maintained |
R4504 | T15542 | T15531 | conj | housed,maintained |
R4505 | T15543 | T15542 | prep | in,housed |
R4506 | T15544 | T15545 | det | the,Institute |
R4507 | T15545 | T15543 | pobj | Institute,in |
R4508 | T15546 | T15545 | compound | Genomics,Institute |
R4509 | T15547 | T15545 | prep | of,Institute |
R4510 | T15548 | T15549 | det | the,facility |
R4511 | T15549 | T15547 | pobj | facility,of |
R4512 | T15550 | T15551 | compound | Novartis,Foundation |
R4513 | T15551 | T15549 | compound | Foundation,facility |
R4514 | T15552 | T15551 | compound | Research,Foundation |
R4515 | T15553 | T15554 | compound | Specific,Pathogen |
R4516 | T15554 | T15555 | compound | Pathogen,Free |
R4517 | T15555 | T15549 | compound | Free,facility |
R4518 | T15556 | T15549 | compound | animal,facility |
R4519 | T15557 | T15558 | punct | (,Jolla |
R4520 | T15558 | T15549 | parataxis | Jolla,facility |
R4521 | T15559 | T15558 | compound | La,Jolla |
R4522 | T15560 | T15558 | punct | ", ",Jolla |
R4523 | T15561 | T15558 | npadvmod | California,Jolla |
R4524 | T15562 | T15558 | punct | ", ",Jolla |
R4525 | T15563 | T15564 | compound | United,States |
R4526 | T15564 | T15558 | npadvmod | States,Jolla |
R4527 | T15565 | T15558 | punct | ),Jolla |
R4528 | T15566 | T15531 | punct | .,maintained |
R4529 | T15568 | T15569 | det | All,procedures |
R4530 | T15569 | T15570 | nsubjpass | procedures,approved |
R4531 | T15571 | T15570 | auxpass | were,approved |
R4532 | T15572 | T15570 | agent | by,approved |
R4533 | T15573 | T15574 | det | the,Institute |
R4534 | T15574 | T15572 | pobj | Institute,by |
R4535 | T15575 | T15574 | compound | Genomics,Institute |
R4536 | T15576 | T15574 | prep | of,Institute |
R4537 | T15577 | T15578 | det | the,Committee |
R4538 | T15578 | T15576 | pobj | Committee,of |
R4539 | T15579 | T15580 | nmod | Novartis,Foundation |
R4540 | T15580 | T15578 | nmod | Foundation,Committee |
R4541 | T15581 | T15580 | nmod | Research,Foundation |
R4542 | T15582 | T15583 | nmod | Institutional,Animal |
R4543 | T15583 | T15578 | nmod | Animal,Committee |
R4544 | T15584 | T15583 | appos | Care,Animal |
R4545 | T15585 | T15584 | cc | and,Care |
R4546 | T15586 | T15584 | conj | Use,Care |
R4547 | T15587 | T15570 | punct | .,approved |