PMC:1142324 / 288-436 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T141 6-9 CC denotes and
T142 10-14 RB denotes thus
T144 15-17 TO denotes to
T143 18-22 VB denotes have
T145 23-24 DT denotes a
T146 25-29 NN denotes role
T147 30-32 IN denotes in
T148 33-37 NN denotes cell
T150 37-38 HYPH denotes -
T149 38-42 NN denotes cell
T152 43-45 CC denotes or
T153 46-50 NN denotes cell
T155 50-51 HYPH denotes -
T154 51-57 NN denotes matrix
T151 58-70 NNS denotes interactions
T156 70-71 . denotes .
T158 72-74 TO denotes To
T159 75-84 VB denotes elucidate
T161 85-88 DT denotes the
T163 89-102 JJ denotes physiological
T162 103-112 NNS denotes functions
T164 113-115 IN denotes of
T165 116-122 NN denotes ADAM22
T166 122-124 , denotes ,
T167 124-126 PRP denotes we
T160 127-135 VBD denotes employed
T168 136-140 NN denotes gene
R48 T142 T143 advmod thus,have
R50 T144 T143 aux to,have
R51 T145 T146 det a,role
R52 T146 T143 dobj role,have
R53 T147 T146 prep in,role
R54 T148 T149 nmod cell,cell
R55 T149 T151 nmod cell,interactions
R56 T150 T149 punct -,cell
R57 T151 T147 pobj interactions,in
R58 T152 T149 cc or,cell
R59 T153 T154 compound cell,matrix
R60 T154 T149 conj matrix,cell
R61 T155 T154 punct -,matrix
R63 T158 T159 aux To,elucidate
R64 T159 T160 advcl elucidate,employed
R65 T161 T162 det the,functions
R66 T162 T159 dobj functions,elucidate
R67 T163 T162 amod physiological,functions
R68 T164 T162 prep of,functions
R69 T165 T164 pobj ADAM22,of
R70 T166 T160 punct ", ",employed
R71 T167 T160 nsubj we,employed