PMC:1142324 / 2688-2792 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T881 2-7 NNS denotes genes
T886 8-11 CC denotes and
T887 12-17 PRP$ denotes their
T889 18-28 JJ denotes restricted
T888 29-39 NN denotes expression
T890 40-42 IN denotes in
T891 43-46 DT denotes the
T893 47-52 JJ denotes human
T894 53-56 CC denotes and
T895 57-63 JJ denotes murine
T896 64-71 JJ denotes nervous
T892 72-79 NNS denotes systems
T897 80-81 -LRB- denotes [
T898 81-83 CD denotes 13
T899 83-84 SYM denotes -
T900 84-86 CD denotes 15
T901 86-87 -RRB- denotes ]
T902 87-88 . denotes .
T904 89-97 NN denotes Sequence
R458 T887 T888 poss their,expression
R460 T889 T888 amod restricted,expression
R461 T890 T888 prep in,expression
R462 T891 T892 det the,systems
R463 T892 T890 pobj systems,in
R464 T893 T892 amod human,systems
R465 T894 T893 cc and,human
R466 T895 T893 conj murine,human
R467 T896 T892 amod nervous,systems
R468 T897 T898 punct [,13
R470 T899 T900 punct -,15
R471 T900 T898 prep 15,13
R472 T901 T898 punct ],13