PMC:1087847 / 31285-31388 JSONTXT 5 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8258 0-103 sentence denotes Thus, the subcellular localisation of Annexin A7 depends on the developmental stage and the cell type.
T8259 1-5 RB denotes Thus
T8261 5-7 , denotes ,
T8262 7-10 DT denotes the
T8264 11-22 JJ denotes subcellular
T8263 23-35 NN denotes localisation
T8265 36-38 IN denotes of
T8266 39-46 NN denotes Annexin
T8267 47-49 NN denotes A7
T8260 50-57 VBZ denotes depends
T8268 58-60 IN denotes on
T8269 61-64 DT denotes the
T8271 65-78 JJ denotes developmental
T8270 79-84 NN denotes stage
T8272 85-88 CC denotes and
T8273 89-92 DT denotes the
T8275 93-97 NN denotes cell
T8274 98-102 NN denotes type
T8276 102-103 . denotes .
R4114 T8259 T8260 advmod Thus,depends
R4115 T8261 T8260 punct ", ",depends
R4116 T8262 T8263 det the,localisation
R4117 T8263 T8260 nsubj localisation,depends
R4118 T8264 T8263 amod subcellular,localisation
R4119 T8265 T8263 prep of,localisation
R4120 T8266 T8267 compound Annexin,A7
R4121 T8267 T8265 pobj A7,of
R4122 T8268 T8260 prep on,depends
R4123 T8269 T8270 det the,stage
R4124 T8270 T8268 pobj stage,on
R4125 T8271 T8270 amod developmental,stage
R4126 T8272 T8270 cc and,stage
R4127 T8273 T8274 det the,type
R4128 T8274 T8270 conj type,stage
R4129 T8275 T8274 compound cell,type
R4130 T8276 T8260 punct .,depends