PMC:3279418 / 8918-9058 JSONTXT 5 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13402 0-7 JJ denotes Further
T13403 8-14 NN denotes gating
T13404 15-17 IN denotes on
T13405 18-21 DT denotes the
T13406 22-27 JJ denotes CD11c
T13407 27-28 NN denotes +
T13408 28-34 NN denotes PDCA-1
T13409 34-35 NN denotes
T13410 36-49 NN denotes subpopulation
T13411 50-54 VBD denotes gave
T13412 55-58 DT denotes the
T13413 59-65 JJ denotes bottom
T13414 66-71 NN denotes panel
T13415 72-76 WDT denotes that
T13416 77-83 VBD denotes showed
T13417 84-87 CD denotes two
T13418 88-96 JJ denotes distinct
T13419 97-102 NNS denotes pools
T13420 103-105 IN denotes of
T13421 106-111 JJ denotes CD11c
T13422 111-112 NN denotes +
T13423 112-116 NNP denotes CD8α
T13424 116-117 NNP denotes +
T13425 118-121 CC denotes and
T13426 122-127 NNP denotes CD11c
T13427 127-128 VBP denotes +
T13428 128-132 JJ denotes CD8α
T13429 132-133 NN denotes
T13430 134-139 NNS denotes cells
T13431 139-140 . denotes .
R11134 T13402 T13403 amod Further,gating
R11135 T13403 T13411 nsubj gating,gave
R11136 T13404 T13403 prep on,gating
R11137 T13405 T13410 det the,subpopulation
R11138 T13406 T13410 amod CD11c,subpopulation
R11139 T13407 T13410 nmod +,subpopulation
R11140 T13408 T13410 nmod PDCA-1,subpopulation
R11141 T13409 T13410 compound −,subpopulation
R11142 T13410 T13404 pobj subpopulation,on
R11143 T13411 T13411 ROOT gave,gave
R11144 T13412 T13414 det the,panel
R11145 T13413 T13414 amod bottom,panel
R11146 T13414 T13411 dobj panel,gave
R11147 T13415 T13416 nsubj that,showed
R11148 T13416 T13414 relcl showed,panel
R11149 T13417 T13419 nummod two,pools
R11150 T13418 T13419 amod distinct,pools
R11151 T13419 T13416 dobj pools,showed
R11152 T13420 T13419 prep of,pools
R11153 T13421 T13424 amod CD11c,+
R11154 T13422 T13424 compound +,+
R11155 T13423 T13424 compound CD8α,+
R11156 T13424 T13420 pobj +,of
R11157 T13425 T13424 cc and,+
R11158 T13426 T13424 conj CD11c,+
R11159 T13427 T13416 ccomp +,showed
R11160 T13428 T13430 amod CD8α,cells
R11161 T13429 T13430 compound −,cells
R11162 T13430 T13427 dobj cells,+
R11163 T13431 T13411 punct .,gave