PMC:3279418 / 410-591 JSONTXT 6 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T171 1-3 IN denotes of
T172 4-5 NNP denotes T
T173 6-13 CD denotes helper1
T174 14-15 -LRB- denotes (
T175 15-18 NN denotes Th1
T176 18-19 -RRB- denotes )
T177 20-23 CC denotes and
T178 24-27 JJ denotes Th2
T179 28-37 NNS denotes cytokines
T180 37-38 . denotes .
T181 39-42 DT denotes The
T182 43-51 JJ denotes cellular
T183 52-55 CC denotes and
T184 56-65 JJ denotes molecular
T185 66-76 NNS denotes mechanisms
T186 77-87 VBG denotes underlying
T187 88-92 DT denotes this
T188 93-105 JJ denotes inflammatory
T189 106-115 NN denotes phenotype
T190 116-122 VBP denotes remain
T191 123-130 JJ denotes elusive
T192 130-131 . denotes .
T193 132-141 JJ denotes Dendritic
T194 142-147 NNS denotes cells
T195 148-151 MD denotes may
T196 152-162 VB denotes contribute
T197 163-165 TO denotes to
T198 166-169 DT denotes the
T199 170-180 NN denotes initiation
R100 T184 T182 conj molecular,cellular
R101 T185 T190 nsubj mechanisms,remain
R102 T186 T185 acl underlying,mechanisms
R103 T187 T189 det this,phenotype
R104 T188 T189 amod inflammatory,phenotype
R105 T189 T190 nsubj phenotype,remain
R106 T190 T190 ROOT remain,remain
R107 T191 T190 acomp elusive,remain
R108 T192 T190 punct .,remain
R109 T193 T194 amod Dendritic,cells
R110 T194 T196 nsubj cells,contribute
R111 T195 T196 aux may,contribute
R112 T196 T196 ROOT contribute,contribute
R113 T197 T196 prep to,contribute
R114 T198 T199 det the,initiation
R115 T199 T197 pobj initiation,to
R88 T172 T173 compound T,helper1
R89 T173 T171 pobj helper1,of
R90 T174 T175 punct (,Th1
R92 T176 T175 punct ),Th1
R94 T178 T179 amod Th2,cytokines
R97 T181 T185 det The,mechanisms
R98 T182 T185 amod cellular,mechanisms
R99 T183 T182 cc and,cellular