PMC:2817507 / 7770-8455 JSONTXT 23 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3852 0-8 NNP denotes Cellular
T3853 9-17 NNS denotes proteins
T3854 18-22 VBD denotes were
T3855 23-31 VBN denotes prepared
T3856 32-36 IN denotes from
T3857 37-40 NNP denotes ICH
T3858 41-49 JJ denotes cerebral
T3859 50-61 NNS denotes hemispheres
T3860 61-62 , denotes ,
T3861 63-78 VBN denotes electrophoresed
T3862 79-83 IN denotes with
T3863 84-102 JJ denotes SDS-polyacrylamide
T3864 103-106 NN denotes gel
T3865 107-110 CC denotes and
T3866 111-122 VBN denotes transferred
T3867 123-127 IN denotes onto
T3868 128-134 NNP denotes Hybond
T3869 135-138 NNP denotes ECL
T3870 139-148 NNS denotes membranes
T3871 149-150 -LRB- denotes (
T3872 150-158 NNP denotes Amersham
T3873 159-168 NNP denotes Pharmacia
T3874 168-169 , denotes ,
T3875 170-180 NNP denotes Piscataway
T3876 180-181 , denotes ,
T3877 182-184 NNP denotes NJ
T3878 184-185 -RRB- denotes )
T3879 185-186 . denotes .
T3880 187-190 DT denotes The
T3881 191-194 NNP denotes ECL
T3882 195-204 NNS denotes membranes
T3883 205-209 VBD denotes were
T3884 210-219 VBN denotes incubated
T3885 220-224 IN denotes with
T3886 225-228 DT denotes the
T3887 229-240 JJ denotes appropriate
T3888 241-248 JJ denotes primary
T3889 249-257 NN denotes antibody
T3890 258-259 -LRB- denotes (
T3891 259-264 JJ denotes WuHan
T3892 264-265 , denotes ,
T3893 266-272 NNP denotes BA1717
T3894 272-273 -RRB- denotes )
T3895 274-282 VBN denotes followed
T3896 283-285 IN denotes by
T3897 286-296 NN denotes incubation
T3898 297-301 IN denotes with
T3899 302-323 JJ denotes peroxidase-conjugated
T3900 324-333 JJ denotes secondary
T3901 334-344 NNS denotes antibodies
T3902 345-346 -LRB- denotes (
T3903 346-352 NNP denotes Golden
T3904 353-359 NNP denotes Bridge
T3905 359-360 , denotes ,
T3906 361-368 NNP denotes PV-6001
T3907 368-369 -RRB- denotes )
T3908 369-370 . denotes .
T3909 371-374 DT denotes The
T3910 375-382 NNS denotes signals
T3911 383-387 VBD denotes were
T3912 388-396 VBN denotes detected
T3913 397-401 IN denotes with
T3914 402-405 DT denotes the
T3915 406-409 NNP denotes ECL
T3916 410-416 NN denotes system
T3917 417-418 -LRB- denotes (
T3918 418-426 NNP denotes Amersham
T3919 427-436 NNP denotes Pharmacia
T3920 436-437 -RRB- denotes )
T3921 437-438 . denotes .
T3922 439-442 DT denotes The
T3923 443-447 JJ denotes same
T3924 448-457 NNS denotes membranes
T3925 458-462 VBD denotes were
T3926 463-469 VBN denotes probed
T3927 470-474 IN denotes with
T3928 475-485 JJ denotes anti-GAPDH
T3929 486-487 -LRB- denotes (
T3930 487-513 JJ denotes glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
T3931 514-527 NN denotes dehydrogenase
T3932 527-528 , denotes ,
T3933 529-538 NNP denotes Biodesign
T3934 538-539 , denotes ,
T3935 540-544 NNP denotes Saco
T3936 544-545 , denotes ,
T3937 546-551 NNP denotes Maine
T3938 551-552 -RRB- denotes )
T3939 553-558 IN denotes after
T3940 559-564 VBG denotes being
T3941 565-571 VBN denotes washed
T3942 572-576 IN denotes with
T3943 577-586 VBG denotes stripping
T3944 587-593 NN denotes buffer
T3945 593-594 . denotes .
T3946 595-598 DT denotes The
T3947 599-606 NNS denotes signals
T3948 607-611 VBD denotes were
T3949 612-622 VBN denotes quantified
T3950 623-625 IN denotes by
T3951 626-634 VBG denotes scanning
T3952 635-647 NN denotes densitometry
T3953 648-651 CC denotes and
T3954 652-669 JJ denotes computer-assisted
T3955 670-675 NN denotes image
T3956 676-684 NN denotes analysis
T3957 684-685 . denotes .
R2998 T3852 T3853 compound Cellular,proteins
R2999 T3853 T3855 nsubjpass proteins,prepared
R3000 T3854 T3855 auxpass were,prepared
R3001 T3855 T3855 ROOT prepared,prepared
R3002 T3856 T3855 prep from,prepared
R3003 T3857 T3859 amod ICH,hemispheres
R3004 T3858 T3859 amod cerebral,hemispheres
R3005 T3859 T3856 pobj hemispheres,from
R3006 T3860 T3859 punct ",",hemispheres
R3007 T3861 T3859 acl electrophoresed,hemispheres
R3008 T3862 T3861 prep with,electrophoresed
R3009 T3863 T3864 amod SDS-polyacrylamide,gel
R3010 T3864 T3862 pobj gel,with
R3011 T3865 T3861 cc and,electrophoresed
R3012 T3866 T3861 conj transferred,electrophoresed
R3013 T3867 T3866 prep onto,transferred
R3014 T3868 T3869 compound Hybond,ECL
R3015 T3869 T3870 compound ECL,membranes
R3016 T3870 T3867 pobj membranes,onto
R3017 T3871 T3873 punct (,Pharmacia
R3018 T3872 T3873 compound Amersham,Pharmacia
R3019 T3873 T3870 appos Pharmacia,membranes
R3020 T3874 T3873 punct ",",Pharmacia
R3021 T3875 T3873 conj Piscataway,Pharmacia
R3022 T3876 T3875 punct ",",Piscataway
R3023 T3877 T3875 conj NJ,Piscataway
R3024 T3878 T3870 punct ),membranes
R3025 T3879 T3855 punct .,prepared
R3026 T3880 T3882 det The,membranes
R3027 T3881 T3882 compound ECL,membranes
R3028 T3882 T3884 nsubjpass membranes,incubated
R3029 T3883 T3884 auxpass were,incubated
R3030 T3884 T3884 ROOT incubated,incubated
R3031 T3885 T3884 prep with,incubated
R3032 T3886 T3889 det the,antibody
R3033 T3887 T3889 amod appropriate,antibody
R3034 T3888 T3889 amod primary,antibody
R3035 T3889 T3885 pobj antibody,with
R3036 T3890 T3889 punct (,antibody
R3037 T3891 T3889 appos WuHan,antibody
R3038 T3892 T3889 punct ",",antibody
R3039 T3893 T3889 appos BA1717,antibody
R3040 T3894 T3884 punct ),incubated
R3041 T3895 T3884 advcl followed,incubated
R3042 T3896 T3895 agent by,followed
R3043 T3897 T3896 pobj incubation,by
R3044 T3898 T3895 prep with,followed
R3045 T3899 T3901 amod peroxidase-conjugated,antibodies
R3046 T3900 T3901 amod secondary,antibodies
R3047 T3901 T3898 pobj antibodies,with
R3048 T3902 T3901 punct (,antibodies
R3049 T3903 T3904 compound Golden,Bridge
R3050 T3904 T3901 appos Bridge,antibodies
R3051 T3905 T3904 punct ",",Bridge
R3052 T3906 T3904 appos PV-6001,Bridge
R3053 T3907 T3904 punct ),Bridge
R3054 T3908 T3884 punct .,incubated
R3055 T3909 T3910 det The,signals
R3056 T3910 T3912 nsubjpass signals,detected
R3057 T3911 T3912 auxpass were,detected
R3058 T3912 T3912 ROOT detected,detected
R3059 T3913 T3912 prep with,detected
R3060 T3914 T3916 det the,system
R3061 T3915 T3916 compound ECL,system
R3062 T3916 T3913 pobj system,with
R3063 T3917 T3916 punct (,system
R3064 T3918 T3919 compound Amersham,Pharmacia
R3065 T3919 T3916 appos Pharmacia,system
R3066 T3920 T3916 punct ),system
R3067 T3921 T3912 punct .,detected
R3068 T3922 T3924 det The,membranes
R3069 T3923 T3924 amod same,membranes
R3070 T3924 T3926 nsubjpass membranes,probed
R3071 T3925 T3926 auxpass were,probed
R3072 T3926 T3926 ROOT probed,probed
R3073 T3927 T3926 prep with,probed
R3074 T3928 T3927 pobj anti-GAPDH,with
R3075 T3929 T3928 punct (,anti-GAPDH
R3076 T3930 T3931 amod glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate,dehydrogenase
R3077 T3931 T3928 appos dehydrogenase,anti-GAPDH
R3078 T3932 T3931 punct ",",dehydrogenase
R3079 T3933 T3931 conj Biodesign,dehydrogenase
R3080 T3934 T3933 punct ",",Biodesign
R3081 T3935 T3933 appos Saco,Biodesign
R3082 T3936 T3935 punct ",",Saco
R3083 T3937 T3935 npadvmod Maine,Saco
R3084 T3938 T3935 punct ),Saco
R3085 T3939 T3926 prep after,probed
R3086 T3940 T3941 auxpass being,washed
R3087 T3941 T3939 pcomp washed,after
R3088 T3942 T3941 prep with,washed
R3089 T3943 T3942 pcomp stripping,with
R3090 T3944 T3943 dobj buffer,stripping
R3091 T3945 T3926 punct .,probed
R3092 T3946 T3947 det The,signals
R3093 T3947 T3949 nsubjpass signals,quantified
R3094 T3948 T3949 auxpass were,quantified
R3095 T3949 T3949 ROOT quantified,quantified
R3096 T3950 T3949 prep by,quantified
R3097 T3951 T3950 pcomp scanning,by
R3098 T3952 T3951 dobj densitometry,scanning
R3099 T3953 T3952 cc and,densitometry
R3100 T3954 T3956 amod computer-assisted,analysis
R3101 T3955 T3956 compound image,analysis
R3102 T3956 T3952 conj analysis,densitometry
R3103 T3957 T3949 punct .,quantified