PMC:1310901 / 3273-3532 JSONTXT 14 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1994 0-10 JJ denotes Consistent
T1995 11-15 IN denotes with
T1996 16-19 DT denotes the
T1997 20-31 NN denotes restriction
T1998 32-34 IN denotes of
T1999 35-45 NN denotes expression
T2000 46-48 TO denotes to
T2001 49-64 JJ denotes immunocompetent
T2002 65-70 NNS denotes cells
T2003 70-71 , denotes ,
T2004 72-76 NNS denotes mice
T2005 77-81 IN denotes with
T2006 82-90 NN denotes deletion
T2007 91-93 IN denotes of
T2008 94-99 NN denotes IRF-4
T2009 100-106 VBD denotes failed
T2010 107-109 TO denotes to
T2011 110-117 VB denotes develop
T2012 118-124 JJ denotes mature
T2013 125-128 CC denotes and
T2014 129-141 RB denotes functionally
T2015 142-148 JJ denotes active
T2016 149-150 NNP denotes B
T2017 150-151 : denotes -
T2018 152-155 CC denotes and
T2019 156-169 NNS denotes T-lymphocytes
T2020 170-171 -LRB- denotes (
T2021 171-173 CD denotes 12
T2022 173-174 -RRB- denotes )
T2023 174-175 , denotes ,
T2024 176-179 CC denotes and
T2025 180-183 DT denotes the
T2026 184-192 VBN denotes impaired
T2027 193-203 NN denotes expression
T2028 204-206 IN denotes of
T2029 207-212 NN denotes IRF-4
T2030 213-215 IN denotes in
T2031 216-219 NNP denotes CML
T2032 220-223 VBD denotes was
T2033 224-237 RB denotes predominately
T2034 238-243 VBN denotes found
T2035 244-246 IN denotes in
T2036 247-254 NNS denotes T-cells
T2037 255-256 -LRB- denotes (
T2038 256-257 CD denotes 3
T2039 257-258 -RRB- denotes )
T2040 258-259 . denotes .
R1595 T1994 T2009 nsubj Consistent,failed
R1597 T1995 T1994 prep with,Consistent
R1598 T1996 T1997 det the,restriction
R1599 T1997 T1995 pobj restriction,with
R1600 T1998 T1997 prep of,restriction
R1602 T1999 T1998 pobj expression,of
R1603 T2000 T1999 prep to,expression
R1604 T2001 T2002 amod immunocompetent,cells
R1605 T2002 T2000 pobj cells,to
R1606 T2003 T1997 punct ",",restriction
R1607 T2004 T1997 appos mice,restriction
R1609 T2005 T1997 prep with,restriction
R1610 T2006 T2005 pobj deletion,with
R1611 T2007 T2006 prep of,deletion
R1613 T2008 T2007 pobj IRF-4,of
R1614 T2009 T2009 ROOT failed,failed
R1615 T2010 T2011 aux to,develop
R1617 T2011 T2009 xcomp develop,failed
R1618 T2012 T2016 amod mature,B
R1620 T2013 T2012 cc and,mature
R1621 T2014 T2015 advmod functionally,active
R1622 T2015 T2012 conj active,mature
R1624 T2016 T2011 dobj B,develop
R1625 T2017 T2016 punct -,B
R1628 T2018 T2016 cc and,B
R1631 T2019 T2016 conj T-lymphocytes,B
R1634 T2020 T2019 punct (,T-lymphocytes
R1636 T2021 T2019 appos 12,T-lymphocytes
R1638 T2022 T2019 punct ),T-lymphocytes
R1639 T2023 T2009 punct ",",failed
R1641 T2024 T2009 cc and,failed
R1642 T2025 T2027 det the,expression
R1644 T2026 T2027 amod impaired,expression
R1645 T2027 T2034 nsubjpass expression,found
R1646 T2028 T2027 prep of,expression
R1648 T2029 T2028 pobj IRF-4,of
R1649 T2030 T2029 prep in,IRF-4
R1650 T2031 T2030 pobj CML,in
R1652 T2032 T2034 auxpass was,found
R1654 T2033 T2034 advmod predominately,found
R1655 T2034 T2009 conj found,failed
R1656 T2035 T2034 prep in,found
R1657 T2036 T2035 pobj T-cells,in
R1658 T2037 T2036 punct (,T-cells
R1660 T2038 T2036 appos 3,T-cells
R1661 T2039 T2036 punct ),T-cells
R1662 T2040 T2034 punct .,found