PubMed:6631408 JSONTXT 2 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-152 Title denotes Amino acid requirements of strains of Chlamydia trachomatis and C. psittaci growing in McCoy cells: relationship with clinical syndrome and host origin.
T3 38-59 Bacteria denotes Chlamydia trachomatis
T4 64-75 Bacteria denotes C. psittaci
T5 87-98 Habitat denotes McCoy cells
T6 118-126 Habitat denotes clinical
T2 153-1309 Paragraph denotes The effects of omission of individual amino acids from growth medium on the multiplication of a range of Chlamydia trachomatis and C. psittaci strains in cycloheximide-treated McCoy cells have been assessed. Differences in requirements were revealed which for C. trachomatis strains correlated with clinical syndrome and for C. psittaci with host origin. All 11 strains of C. trachomatis examined showed a requirement for addition of histidine to the medium; this was not shown by any of four C. psittaci strains. Among the strains of C. trachomatis, three from cases of trachoma, representing serotypes A, B and C, showed a distinctive requirement for the addition of tryptophan to the medium, whilst six strains of oculogenital origin, representing serotypes D-I, exhibited no requirement for tryptophan or methionine; a lymphogranuloma venereum and a 'fast variant' strain both showed a requirement for methionine. Of the four C. psittaci strains from different hosts, three showed distinct patterns of amino acid requirements. All chlamydiae required the addition of valine to medium and the majority required leucine, phenylalanine and also glutamine.
T7 258-279 Bacteria denotes Chlamydia trachomatis
T8 284-295 Bacteria denotes C. psittaci
T9 307-340 Habitat denotes cycloheximide-treated McCoy cells
T10 413-427 Bacteria denotes C. trachomatis
T11 452-460 Habitat denotes clinical
T12 478-489 Bacteria denotes C. psittaci
T13 526-540 Bacteria denotes C. trachomatis
T14 646-657 Bacteria denotes C. psittaci
T15 688-702 Bacteria denotes C. trachomatis
T16 715-732 Habitat denotes cases of trachoma
T17 747-756 Bacteria denotes serotypes
T19 747-756 Bacteria denotes serotypes
T18 747-758 Bacteria denotes serotypes A
T20 870-889 Habitat denotes oculogenital origin
T21 904-917 Bacteria denotes serotypes D-I
T22 1083-1094 Bacteria denotes C. psittaci
T23 1188-1198 Bacteria denotes chlamydiae