PubMed:26681734 JSONTXT 47 Projects

Structure and biological activity of a fucosylated chondroitin sulfate from the sea cucumber Cucumaria japonica. A fucosylated chondroitin sulfate ( FCS: ) was isolated from the body wall of Pacific sea cucumber Cucumaria japonica by extraction in the presence of papain followed by Cetavlon precipitation and anion-exchange chromatography. FCS: was shown to contain d-GalNAc, d-GlcA, l-Fuc and sulfate in molar proportions of about 1:1:1:4.5. Structure of FCS: was elucidated using NMR spectroscopy and methylation analysis of the native polysaccharide and products of its desulfation and carboxyl reduction. The polysaccharide was shown to contain a typical chondroitin core →3)-β-d-GalNAc-(1→4)-β-d-GlcA-(1→. Sulfate groups in this core occupy O-4 and the majority of O-6 of GalNAc. Fucosyl branches are represented by 3,4- and 2,4-disulfated units in a ratio of 4:1 and are linked to O-3 of GlcA. In addition, about 33% of GlcA are 3-O-sulfated, and hence, the presence of short fucooligosaccharide chains side by side with monofucosyl branches cannot be excluded. FCS: was shown to inhibit platelets aggregation in vitro mediated by collagen and ristocetin, but not ADP, and demonstrated significant anticoagulant activity, which is connected with its ability to enhance inhibition of thrombin and factor Xa by antithrombin III, as well as to influence von Willebrand factor activity. The latest property significantly distinguished FCS: from LMWH.

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