PubMed:33706041 JSONTXT 3 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-94 Sentence denotes Modelling suggests ABO histo-incompatibility may substantially reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission.
T2 95-218 Sentence denotes Several independent datasets suggest blood type A is over-represented and type O under-represented among COVID-19 patients.
T3 219-439 Sentence denotes However, blood group antigens appear not to be conventional susceptibility factors in that they do not affect disease severity, and the relative risk to non-O individuals is attenuated when population prevalence is high.
T4 440-716 Sentence denotes Here, I model a scenario in which ABO transfusion incompatibility reduces the chance of a patient transmitting the virus to an incompatible recipient - thus in Western populations type A and AB individuals are "super-recipients" while type O individuals are "super-spreaders".
T5 717-930 Sentence denotes This results in an offset in the timing of the epidemic among individuals of different blood types, and an increased relative risk to type A/AB patients that is most pronounced during early stages of the epidemic.
T6 931-1049 Sentence denotes However, once the majority of any given population is infected, the relative risk to each blood type approaches unity.
T7 1050-1256 Sentence denotes Published data on COVID-19 prevalence from regions in the early stages of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic suggests that if this model holds true, ABO incompatibility reduces virus transmissibility by at least 60 %.
T8 1257-1535 Sentence denotes Exploring the implications of this model for vaccination strategies shows that paradoxically, targeted vaccination of either high-susceptibility type A/AB or "super-spreader" type O individuals is less effective than random vaccination at blocking community spread of the virus.
T9 1536-1633 Sentence denotes Instead, the key is to maintain blood type diversity among the remaining susceptible individuals.
T10 1634-1797 Sentence denotes Given the good agreement between this model and observational data on disease prevalence, the underlying biochemistry urgently requires experimental investigation.