PMC:7781500 / 3292-7689 JSONTXT 2 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T29 0-21 Sentence denotes Materials and methods
T30 22-174 Sentence denotes We conducted a single-center cross-sectional study among the attendees of an outpatient COVID-19 clinic at a tertiary care hospital in New Delhi, India.
T31 175-286 Sentence denotes This clinic is run for providing healthcare services to the workers who are under institutional health schemes.
T32 287-426 Sentence denotes The institute ethics committee approved the study protocol, and appropriate consent was taken from the participants before their enrolment.
T33 427-586 Sentence denotes Between June 17 to July 1, 2020, 1,066 patients were tested for SARS-CoV-2 by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in the screening clinic.
T34 587-855 Sentence denotes Three hundred and eighty-four patients were included in the study based on successful telephonic communication and informed consent availability. Five patients were excluded from the study due to the non-availability of their test results due to pre-analytical issues.
T35 856-965 Sentence denotes We analyzed socio-demographic and infection prevention practices related to data collected from 379 patients.
T36 966-1128 Sentence denotes Each patient was telephonically interviewed in the local language by a single investigator, and the answers were documented in a preformed questionnaire proforma.
T37 1129-1233 Sentence denotes To minimize bias, the telephonic communications were completed before their test results were generated.
T38 1234-1316 Sentence denotes Study participants were tested for COVID-19 after a thorough clinical examination.
T39 1317-1431 Sentence denotes Real-time RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 was performed for the diagnosis of COVID-19 in all patients included in our study.
T40 1432-1562 Sentence denotes Testing indications were based on the national regulatory authority's advisory, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) [4].
T41 1563-1626 Sentence denotes One nasal and one throat swab were collected from each patient.
T42 1627-1768 Sentence denotes Two swabs were put into a single vial of the viral transport medium (VTM) and were sent to the testing laboratory maintaining the cold chain.
T43 1769-1837 Sentence denotes The test reports were accessed from the hospital information system.
T44 1838-2008 Sentence denotes A questionnaire was developed to collect socio-economic, demographic, behavioral, and infection prevention practices information from the enrolled participants (Table 1).
T45 2009-2087 Sentence denotes Socio-economic status was documented as per the modified Kuppuswamy index [5].
T46 2088-2468 Sentence denotes More than three individuals residing in one room were considered as overcrowding [6]. In India, ICMR, the national regulatory authority, has recommended prophylaxis with hydroxychloroquine for workers who are at occupational risk of acquiring this infection [7]. Therefore, the healthcare workers were enquired about the use of hydroxychloroquine for prophylaxis against COVID-19.
T47 2469-2579 Sentence denotes The prophylactic use of other medications (alternative medicines) was also recorded from the study population.
T48 2580-2657 Sentence denotes Table 1 Risk factors and preventive practices enquired from the participants
T49 2658-2693 Sentence denotes PPE - personal protective equipment
T50 2694-2731 Sentence denotes Parameters evaluated Questions asked
T51 2732-2824 Sentence denotes Commute to workplace Do you commute to your workplace alone or do you use public transport?
T52 2825-2833 Sentence denotes      Yes
T53 2834-2841 Sentence denotes      No
T54 2842-2949 Sentence denotes Hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis Are you taking hydroxychloroquine tablets for prophylaxis against COVID-19?
T55 2950-2958 Sentence denotes      Yes
T56 2959-2966 Sentence denotes      No
T57 2967-3083 Sentence denotes Social distancing How frequently do you maintain social distancing which means staying 6 feet away from each other?
T58 3084-3120 Sentence denotes      Almost always (more than 90%)  
T59 3121-3146 Sentence denotes      Mostly (about 75%)  
T60 3147-3174 Sentence denotes      Commonly (about 50%)  
T61 3175-3203 Sentence denotes      Sometimes (about 25%)  
T62 3204-3231 Sentence denotes      Rarely (less than 10%)
T63 3232-3327 Sentence denotes Hand hygiene How frequently do you wash your hands with soap water or alcohol-based hand rubs?
T64 3328-3348 Sentence denotes      Once every hour
T65 3349-3370 Sentence denotes      Every 2-3 hourly
T66 3371-3392 Sentence denotes      Every 3-4 hourly
T67 3393-3414 Sentence denotes      Less than that  
T68 3415-3485 Sentence denotes Do you ensure that you spend 40 seconds every time washing your hands?
T69 3486-3494 Sentence denotes      Yes
T70 3495-3502 Sentence denotes      No
T71 3503-3597 Sentence denotes Use of PPE by healthcare workers What PPE do you use while working in the healthcare setting?
T72 3598-3609 Sentence denotes      Mask  
T73 3610-3621 Sentence denotes      Gown  
T74 3622-3635 Sentence denotes      Gloves  
T75 3636-3646 Sentence denotes      Cap  
T76 3647-3665 Sentence denotes      Shoe covers  
T77 3666-3712 Sentence denotes      Goggles/ Eyeshield   Statistical analysis
T78 3713-3794 Sentence denotes Data was recorded on a pre-designed proforma and managed in an excel spreadsheet.
T79 3795-3857 Sentence denotes All the entries were checked for any possible keyboard errors.
T80 3858-4084 Sentence denotes Quantitative variables were assessed for approximate normality and summarized as mean ± SD or median (Q1, Q3). In step 1, logistic regression analysis was used with the outcome and each of the independent variables separately.
T81 4085-4223 Sentence denotes In step 2, multiple logistic regression analysis was performed with all the variables simultaneously with the outcome variable separately.
T82 4224-4321 Sentence denotes Stata 15.0 statistical software (StataCorp LLC, College Station, USA) was used for data analysis.
T83 4322-4397 Sentence denotes In this study, a p-value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant.