PMC:7647877 / 51448-53664 JSONTXT 10 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T314 0-4 Sentence denotes Iron
T315 5-103 Sentence denotes The role of iron in immunonutrition has been widely discussed and confirmed by many studies [133].
T316 104-304 Sentence denotes Iron is required for a number of different cellular functions and there is a constant balance between iron uptake, transport, storage, and utilization required to maintain iron homeostasis [134, 135].
T317 305-437 Sentence denotes As the body lacks a defined mechanism for the active excretion of iron, iron balance is mainly regulated at the point of absorption.
T318 438-550 Sentence denotes Iron deficiency induces thymus atrophy and has multiple effects on immune function in human subjects [133, 136].
T319 551-784 Sentence denotes The effects of this micronutrient in modulating the immune system include the regulation of T cell differentiation and proliferation [85], also helping to regulate the interplay between helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells [95, 137].
T320 785-957 Sentence denotes It also play a role in IFN-γ production and participates in the production of cytokines, in fact it is involved in the regulation of the production and action of cytokines.
T321 958-1191 Sentence denotes It forms highly toxic hydroxyl radicals, involved in the killing of bacteria by neutrophils and it is a component of enzymes critical for the functioning of immune cells (e.g. ribonucleotide reductase involved in DNA synthesis) [95].
T322 1192-1318 Sentence denotes The iron-rich state promotes the M2-like macrophage phenotype and negatively regulates the M1 pro-inflammatory response [138].
T323 1319-1442 Sentence denotes This nutrient is necessary for the generation of ROS, that kill pathogens (by neutrophils) during the oxidative burst [85].
T324 1443-1540 Sentence denotes Finally, it appears to be essential for the differentiation and growth of epithelial tissue [95].
T325 1541-1680 Sentence denotes Iron at doses above the upper threshold has been associated with increased risk of malaria and other infections, including pneumonia [139].
T326 1681-1811 Sentence denotes Obviously it should be noted that treatment for anemia in a malarious area must be preceded by an effective anti-malarial therapy.
T327 1812-1935 Sentence denotes Notably, iron rich status promotes M2-like macrophage phenotype and negatively regulates M1 pro-inflammatory response [65].
T328 1936-2012 Sentence denotes On the other hand, iron overload causes impairment of immune function [140].
T329 2013-2165 Sentence denotes Iron excess increases the harmfulness of inflammation and the microorganisms themselves require iron as it can contribute to the growth of the pathogen.
T330 2166-2216 Sentence denotes RDA for iron reports a range of 8–18 mg/day [138].