PMC:7647877 / 26868-27966 JSONTXT 10 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T167 0-132 Sentence denotes In the onset of COVID-19 era, the nutritional approach might be managed in two different strategies, considering the disease status.
T168 133-364 Sentence denotes In a severe phase of COVID-19 in a patient with obesity, immunonutrition would be fundamental to support the immune response and protein synthesis, and, at the same time, to reduce inflammation caused by the pathological condition.
T169 365-520 Sentence denotes The organism fights both the acute inflammatory state triggered by COVID-19 and, in addition, the latent chronic inflammation due to the obesity condition.
T170 521-725 Sentence denotes This latter is employed in the case of malnourished surgical patients, where immunonutrition significantly reduced the risk of acquired infections, wound complications, and length of stay at the hospital.
T171 726-869 Sentence denotes In this context, immunomodulating diets (IMDs) have been demonstrated to improve immune system response and modulate inflammation cascade [60].
T172 870-1098 Sentence denotes Furthermore, the nutritional approach should be firstly preventive to reduce the large number of complications linked to obesity condition; and, secondly, could be predictive to act on the etiopathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 disease.