PMC:7605337 / 26559-28548 JSONTXT 5 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T162 0-4 Sentence denotes DCCM
T163 5-251 Sentence denotes The correlated motions of RBD atoms were also analyzed with the DCCM based on the Cα atoms of RBD from the last 400 ns of simulation for nCOV-2019, SARS-COV, and extended mutant systems and the last 200 ns for the other mutant systems (Figure 6).
T164 252-451 Sentence denotes The DCCM for nCOV-2019 showed a correlation between residues 490–505 (containing α5, L4 and β5 regions) and residues 440–455 (containing α4, L1 and β5 regions) shown in the red rectangle in Figure 6.
T165 452-539 Sentence denotes This correlation showed the coordination of these regions for binding ACE2 effectively.
T166 540-658 Sentence denotes Another important correlation that appears in the DCCM of nCOV-2019 is between residues 473–481 with residues 482–491.
T167 659-760 Sentence denotes These residues are in L3 and β6 regions and their correlation in nCOV-2019 is stronger than SARS-COV.
T168 761-872 Sentence denotes This is due to the presence of the β6 strand in nCOV-2019, whereas in SARS-COV these residues all belong to L3.
T169 873-1062 Sentence denotes This indicates that L3 in nCOV-2019 has evolved from SARS-COV to adopt a new secondary structure, which causes strong correlation and makes the loop act as a recognition region for binding.
T170 1063-1126 Sentence denotes The correlation in L3 is shown as a blue rectangle in Figure 6.
T171 1127-1223 Sentence denotes Some of the mutations disrupted the patterns of correlation and anticorrelation in nCOV-2019-wt.
T172 1224-1312 Sentence denotes Mutation N487A showed a stronger correlation in L3 and β6 strand than the wild-type RBD.
T173 1313-1384 Sentence denotes In mutation E484A, correlation in L3 is stronger than the nCOV-2019-wt.
T174 1385-1431 Sentence denotes DCCM for other mutants are shown in Figure S6.
T175 1432-1603 Sentence denotes It is worth mentioning that mutation F486A disrupts the DCCM of nCOV-2019 by introducing strong correlations in the core region of RBD as well as the extended loop region.
T176 1604-1753 Sentence denotes Residue F486 resides in L3 and plays a crucial role in stabilizing the recognition loop by making a π-stacking interaction with residue Y83A on ACE2.
T177 1754-1845 Sentence denotes Figure 6 DCCM for nCOV-2019, SARS-COV, and mutants with residue numbers of the RBD domain.
T178 1846-1935 Sentence denotes Red boxes show the correlation between α5, L4, and β5 regions and α4, L1, and β5 regions.
T179 1936-1989 Sentence denotes Blue boxes show the correlation in L3 and β6 regions.