PMC:7532482 / 24611-26217 JSONTXT 9 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T202 0-20 Sentence denotes Author contributions
T203 21-176 Sentence denotes YQQ, XC designed the study; YHY and MYZ performed the data collection; JYL and RL analyzed the data; XC drafted the manuscript; YQQ revised the manuscript.
T204 177-228 Sentence denotes All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
T205 230-237 Sentence denotes Funding
T206 238-367 Sentence denotes This work was supported by the fund from New Coronavirus Pneumonia emergency research project of Shandong University (2020XGA02).
T207 369-387 Sentence denotes Data Accessibility
T208 388-444 Sentence denotes Publicly available databases were analyzed in our study.
T209 445-558 Sentence denotes The active ingredients and putative target genes of SFJDC from TCMSP can be found in
T210 559-633 Sentence denotes NCP-related target genes were from GeneCards (
T211 634-647 Sentence denotes Abbreviations
T212 648-684 Sentence denotes ACE2 Angiotensin converting enzyme 2
T213 685-725 Sentence denotes ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
T214 726-749 Sentence denotes BBB blood-brain barrier
T215 750-775 Sentence denotes BC Betweenness Centrality
T216 776-799 Sentence denotes BP biological processes
T217 800-826 Sentence denotes Caco-2 Caco-2 permeability
T218 827-849 Sentence denotes CC cellular components
T219 850-873 Sentence denotes CC Colseness Centrality
T220 874-892 Sentence denotes CG candidate genes
T221 893-913 Sentence denotes DC Degree Centrality
T222 914-935 Sentence denotes DL drug-likeness (DL)
T223 936-961 Sentence denotes EC Eigenvector Centrality
T224 962-983 Sentence denotes FF Forsythiae Fructus
T225 984-1000 Sentence denotes GO Gene Ontology
T226 1001-1019 Sentence denotes HP Herba Patriniae
T227 1020-1030 Sentence denotes I licorice
T228 1031-1048 Sentence denotes IR Isatidis Radix
T229 1049-1093 Sentence denotes KEGG Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
T230 1094-1137 Sentence denotes LAC Local average connectivity-based method
T231 1138-1168 Sentence denotes LHQWG LianHua QingWen granules
T232 1169-1191 Sentence denotes MF molecular functions
T233 1192-1213 Sentence denotes NC Network Centrality
T234 1214-1245 Sentence denotes NCP Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia
T235 1246-1269 Sentence denotes OB oral bioavailability
T236 1270-1310 Sentence denotes PCRR Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma Et Radix
T237 1311-1342 Sentence denotes PPI protein-protein interaction
T238 1343-1364 Sentence denotes PR Phragmitis Rhizoma
T239 1365-1382 Sentence denotes RB Radix Bupleuri
T240 1383-1410 Sentence denotes SFJDC ShuFeng JieDu capsule
T241 1411-1469 Sentence denotes SARS-COV-2 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-2
T242 1470-1502 Sentence denotes TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
T243 1503-1589 Sentence denotes TCMSP Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform
T244 1590-1606 Sentence denotes VH Verbenae Herb