PMC:7405836 / 29469-31020 JSONTXT 6 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T204 0-141 Sentence denotes Notably, the reanalysis of the COVID-19 pandemic curve from the initial cluster of cases pointed to considerable human-to-human transmission.
T205 142-415 Sentence denotes It is opined that the exposure history of SARS-CoV-2 at the Wuhan seafood market originated from human-to-human transmission rather than animal-to-human transmission (74); however, in light of the zoonotic spillover in COVID-19, is too early to fully endorse this idea (1).
T206 416-625 Sentence denotes Following the initial infection, human-to-human transmission has been observed with a preliminary reproduction number (R0) estimate of 1.4 to 2.5 (70, 75), and recently it is estimated to be 2.24 to 3.58 (76).
T207 626-789 Sentence denotes In another study, the average reproductive number of COVID-19 was found to be 3.28, which is significantly higher than the initial WHO estimate of 1.4 to 2.5 (77).
T208 790-898 Sentence denotes It is too early to obtain the exact R0 value, since there is a possibility of bias due to insufficient data.
T209 899-1022 Sentence denotes The higher R0 value is indicative of the more significant potential of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a susceptible population.
T210 1023-1161 Sentence denotes This is not the first time where the culinary practices of China have been blamed for the origin of novel coronavirus infection in humans.
T211 1162-1300 Sentence denotes Previously, the animals present in the live-animal market were identified to be the intermediate hosts of the SARS outbreak in China (78).
T212 1301-1431 Sentence denotes Several wildlife species were found to harbor potentially evolving coronavirus strains that can overcome the species barrier (79).
T213 1432-1551 Sentence denotes One of the main principles of Chinese food culture is that live-slaughtered animals are considered more nutritious (5).