PMC:7405836 / 128775-129421 JSONTXT 8 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T864 0-89 Sentence denotes Medical staff are in the group of individuals most at risk of getting COVID-19 infection.
T865 90-153 Sentence denotes This is because they are exposed directly to infected patients.
T866 154-354 Sentence denotes Hence, proper training must be given to all hospital staff on methods of prevention and protection so that they become competent enough to protect themselves and others from this deadly disease (316).
T867 355-508 Sentence denotes As a preventive measure, health care workers caring for infected patients should take extreme precautions against both contact and airborne transmission.
T868 509-646 Sentence denotes They should use PPE such as face masks (N95 or FFP3), eye protection (goggles), gowns, and gloves to nullify the risk of infection (299).