PMC:7405836 / 125331-127375 JSONTXT 6 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T842 0-144 Sentence denotes In contrast to their response to the 2002 SARS outbreak, China has shown immense political openness in reporting the COVID-19 outbreak promptly.
T843 145-300 Sentence denotes They have also performed rapid sequencing of COVID-19 at multiple levels and shared the findings globally within days of identifying the novel virus (225).
T844 301-385 Sentence denotes The move made by China opened a new chapter in global health security and diplomacy.
T845 386-622 Sentence denotes Even though complete lockdown was declared following the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, the large-scale movement of people has resulted in a radiating spread of infections in the surrounding provinces as well as to several other countries.
T846 623-704 Sentence denotes Large-scale screening programs might help us to control the spread of this virus.
T847 705-810 Sentence denotes However, this is both challenging as well as time-consuming due to the present extent of infection (226).
T848 811-976 Sentence denotes The current scenario demands effective implementation of vigorous prevention and control strategies owing to the prospect of COVID-19 for nosocomial infections (68).
T849 977-1129 Sentence denotes Follow-ups of infected patients by telephone on day 7 and day 14 are advised to avoid any further unintentional spread or nosocomial transmission (312).
T850 1130-1313 Sentence denotes The availability of public data sets provided by independent analytical teams will act as robust evidence that would guide us in designing interventions against the COVID-19 outbreak.
T851 1314-1419 Sentence denotes Newspaper reports and social media can be used to analyze and reconstruct the progression of an outbreak.
T852 1420-1516 Sentence denotes They can help us to obtain detailed patient-level data in the early stages of an outbreak (227).
T853 1517-1671 Sentence denotes Immediate travel restrictions imposed by several countries might have contributed significantly to preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 globally (89, 228).
T854 1672-1854 Sentence denotes Following the outbreak, a temporary ban was imposed on the wildlife trade, keeping in mind the possible role played by wild animal species in the origin of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 (147).
T855 1855-2044 Sentence denotes Making a permanent and bold decision on the trade of wild animal species is necessary to prevent the possibility of virus spread and initiation of an outbreak due to zoonotic spillover (1).