PMC:7405836 / 122401-124561 JSONTXT 10 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T827 0-223 Sentence denotes For evaluating the potential of vaccines and therapeutics against CoVs, including SARS-CoV, MERS-CoVs, and the presently emerging SARS-CoV-2, suitable animal models that can mimic the clinical disease are needed (211, 212).
T828 224-432 Sentence denotes Various animal models were assessed for SARS- and MERS-CoVs, such as mice, guinea pigs, golden Syrian hamsters, ferrets, rabbits, nonhuman primates like rhesus macaques and marmosets, and cats (185, 213–218).
T829 433-560 Sentence denotes The specificity of the virus to hACE2 (receptor of SARS-CoV) was found to be a significant barrier in developing animal models.
T830 561-684 Sentence denotes Consequently, a SARS-CoV transgenic mouse model has been developed by inserting the hACE2 gene into the mouse genome (219).
T831 685-818 Sentence denotes The inability of MERS-CoV to replicate in the respiratory tracts of animals (mice, hamsters, and ferrets) is another limiting factor.
T832 819-1011 Sentence denotes However, with genetic engineering, a 288-330+/+ MERS-CoV genetically modified mouse model was developed and now is in use for the assessment of novel drugs and vaccines against MERS-CoV (220).
T833 1012-1276 Sentence denotes In the past, small animals (mice or hamsters) have been targeted for being closer to a humanized structure, such as mouse DPP4 altered with human DPP4 (hDPP4), hDPP4-transduced mice, and hDPP4-Tg mice (transgenic for expressing hDPP4) for MERS-CoV infection (221).
T834 1277-1420 Sentence denotes The CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool has been used for inserting genomic alterations in mice, making them susceptible to MERS-CoV infection (222).
T835 1421-1797 Sentence denotes Efforts are under way to recognize suitable animal models for SARS-CoV2/COVID-19, identify the receptor affinity of this virus, study pathology in experimental animal models, and explore virus-specific immune responses and protection studies, which together would increase the pace of efforts being made for developing potent vaccines and drugs to counter this emerging virus.
T836 1798-2065 Sentence denotes Cell lines, such as monkey epithelial cell lines (LLC-MK2 and Vero-B4), goat lung cells, alpaca kidney cells, dromedary umbilical cord cells, and advanced ex vivo three-dimensional tracheobronchial tissue, have been explored to study human CoVs (MERS-CoV) (223, 224).
T837 2066-2160 Sentence denotes Vero and Huh-7 cells (human liver cancer cells) have been used for isolating SARS-CoV-2 (194).