PMC:7405836 / 117910-118644 JSONTXT 8 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T797 0-514 Sentence denotes Potent therapeutics to combat SARS-CoV-2 infection include virus binding molecules, molecules or inhibitors targeting particular enzymes implicated in replication and transcription process of the virus, helicase inhibitors, vital viral proteases and proteins, protease inhibitors of host cells, endocytosis inhibitors, short interfering RNA (siRNA), neutralizing antibodies, MAbs against the host receptor, MAbs interfering with the S1 RBD, antiviral peptide aimed at S2, and natural drugs/medicines (7, 166, 186).
T798 515-734 Sentence denotes The S protein acts as the critical target for developing CoV antivirals, like inhibitors of S protein and S cleavage, neutralizing antibodies, RBD-ACE2 blockers, siRNAs, blockers of the fusion core, and proteases (168).