PMC:7352545 / 82498-86766 JSONTXT 12 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T790 0-15 Sentence denotes Acknowledgments
T791 16-174 Sentence denotes This study was in part supported by a grant (NRF-2018R1D1A1A09081927 to CHK) of the Basic Science Research Program through National Research Foundation (NRF).
T792 176-196 Sentence denotes Author Contributions
T793 197-306 Sentence denotes Conceptualization, C.-H.K.; writing—original draft preparation, C.-H.K.; writing, review and editing, C.-H.K.
T794 307-383 Sentence denotes All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
T795 385-392 Sentence denotes Funding
T796 393-467 Sentence denotes Funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), Korea.
T797 469-490 Sentence denotes Conflicts of Interest
T798 491-536 Sentence denotes The author declares no conflicts of interest.
T799 537-550 Sentence denotes Abbreviations
T800 551-577 Sentence denotes HE hemagglutinin-esterase
T801 578-612 Sentence denotes COVID-19 coronavirus disease 2019
T802 613-628 Sentence denotes SA sialic acid
T803 629-692 Sentence denotes SARS-CoV severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus
T804 693-739 Sentence denotes MERS-V Middle East respiratory syndrome virus
T805 740-772 Sentence denotes RSV respiratory syncytial virus
T806 773-803 Sentence denotes WHO World Health Organization
T807 804-837 Sentence denotes 2019-nCoV 2019-Novel Coronavirus
T808 838-865 Sentence denotes GIT gastrointestinal track
T809 866-897 Sentence denotes RDE receptor-destroying enzyme
T810 898-930 Sentence denotes LRI ligand–receptor interaction
T811 931-967 Sentence denotes LCI lectin–carbohydrate interaction
T812 968-998 Sentence denotes LGI lectin–glycan interaction
T813 999-1035 Sentence denotes LSI lectin–sphingolipid interaction
T814 1036-1067 Sentence denotes PGI protein–glycan interaction
T815 1068-1105 Sentence denotes PCI protein–carbohydrate interaction
T816 1106-1138 Sentence denotes PPI protein–protein interaction
T817 1139-1160 Sentence denotes NeuC neuraminic acid
T818 1161-1192 Sentence denotes NeuAc N-acetyl neuraminic acid
T819 1193-1226 Sentence denotes NeuGc N-glycolyl neuraminic acid
T820 1227-1248 Sentence denotes ST sialyltransferase
T821 1249-1301 Sentence denotes ICTV International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses
T822 1302-1317 Sentence denotes HCoV human CoV
T823 1318-1341 Sentence denotes ORF open reading frame
T824 1342-1376 Sentence denotes RdRp RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
T825 1377-1388 Sentence denotes E envelope
T826 1389-1404 Sentence denotes N nucleocapsid
T827 1405-1426 Sentence denotes S spike glycoprotein
T828 1427-1458 Sentence denotes M membrane matrix glycoprotein
T829 1459-1484 Sentence denotes ER endoplasmic reticulum
T830 1485-1544 Sentence denotes ERGIC endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment
T831 1545-1571 Sentence denotes Nsp nonstructural protein
T832 1572-1608 Sentence denotes RTC replicase–transcriptase complex
T833 1609-1626 Sentence denotes TM transmembrane
T834 1627-1658 Sentence denotes ADRP ADP-ribose-1′-phosphatase
T835 1659-1686 Sentence denotes PLpro papain-like protease
T836 1687-1711 Sentence denotes MTase methyltransferase
T837 1712-1734 Sentence denotes NTD N-terminal domain
T838 1735-1757 Sentence denotes CTD C-terminal domain
T839 1758-1786 Sentence denotes RBD receptor-binding domain
T840 1787-1813 Sentence denotes ssRNA single stranded RNA
T841 1814-1846 Sentence denotes GSK3 glycogen synthase kinase 3
T842 1847-1899 Sentence denotes hnRNP A1 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1
T843 1900-1924 Sentence denotes VLP virus-like particle
T844 1925-1942 Sentence denotes NA neuraminidase
T845 1943-1965 Sentence denotes NDV Newcastle disease
T846 1966-1997 Sentence denotes Neu5Ac N-acetylneuraminic acid
T847 1998-2043 Sentence denotes Neu5:9Ac2 9-O-acetyl-N-acetylneuraminic acid
T848 2044-2075 Sentence denotes CasD1 Cas1 domain containing 1
T849 2076-2112 Sentence denotes ISAV infectious salmon anemia virus
T850 2113-2125 Sentence denotes FH factor H
T851 2126-2181 Sentence denotes Neu5Ac9NAc 9-acetamido-9-deoxy-N-acetylneuraminic acid
T852 2182-2204 Sentence denotes HEF HE fusion protein
T853 2205-2236 Sentence denotes Neu5:9Ac2 5-N-acetyl-9-O-NeuAc
T854 2237-2253 Sentence denotes BCoV bovine CoV
T855 2254-2273 Sentence denotes RBC red blood cell
T856 2274-2310 Sentence denotes CRD carbohydrate-recognizing domain
T857 2311-2337 Sentence denotes GBD glycan-binding domain
T858 2338-2365 Sentence denotes MHV murine hepatitis virus
T859 2366-2424 Sentence denotes CEACAM carcinoembryonic antigen cell adhesion molecule 1a
T860 2425-2453 Sentence denotes 9-O–AC-SA 9-O-acetylated SA
T861 2454-2508 Sentence denotes PHEV porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus
T862 2509-2522 Sentence denotes RCoV rat CoV
T863 2523-2570 Sentence denotes TGEV transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus
T864 2571-2603 Sentence denotes IBV infectious bronchitis virus
T865 2604-2634 Sentence denotes pAPN porcine aminopeptidase N
T866 2635-2663 Sentence denotes MGP mucin-like glycoprotein
T867 2664-2691 Sentence denotes pNPA p-nitrophenyl acetate
T868 2692-2711 Sentence denotes SLeX sialyl-LewisX
T869 2712-2758 Sentence denotes α2:3-SlacNAc α2,3-sialyl-N-acetyl-lactosamine
T870 2759-2787 Sentence denotes DPP4 dipeptidyl peptidase 4
T871 2788-2847 Sentence denotes GRP78 membrane-associated 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein
T872 2848-2885 Sentence denotes ACE2 angiotensin-converting enzyme 2
T873 2886-2901 Sentence denotes hAPN human APN
T874 2902-2949 Sentence denotes MHC-I major histocompatibility complex class I
T875 2950-3038 Sentence denotes DC-SIGN dendritic cells-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-3-grabbing nonintegrin
T876 3039-3073 Sentence denotes HSPG heparan sulfate proteoglycan
T877 3074-3102 Sentence denotes HSPA5 heat shock protein A5
T878 3103-3132 Sentence denotes RAS renin-angiotensin system
T879 3133-3153 Sentence denotes Ang I angiotensin I
T880 3154-3182 Sentence denotes AT1R Ang II receptor type 1
T881 3183-3215 Sentence denotes GPCR G protein-coupled receptor
T882 3216-3263 Sentence denotes ADAM A disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain
T883 3264-3293 Sentence denotes TACE TNF-α-converting enzyme
T884 3294-3331 Sentence denotes TMPRSS transmembrane protease serine
T885 3332-3361 Sentence denotes TTSP type II TM Ser protease
T886 3362-3398 Sentence denotes PAR-2 protease activated receptor 2
T887 3399-3428 Sentence denotes MMP matrix metalloproteinase
T888 3429-3458 Sentence denotes HGF hepatocyte growth factor
T889 3459-3498 Sentence denotes HAT human airway trypsin-like protease
T890 3499-3514 Sentence denotes MSPL serine 13
T891 3515-3544 Sentence denotes BHH bromhexine hydrochloride
T892 3545-3573 Sentence denotes DPP4 dipeptidyl peptidase-4
T893 3574-3601 Sentence denotes BiP immunoglobulin protein
T894 3602-3632 Sentence denotes UPR unfolded protein response
T895 3633-3672 Sentence denotes ATF6 activating transcription factor 6
T896 3673-3706 Sentence denotes IRE1 inositol-requiring enzyme 1
T897 3707-3752 Sentence denotes PERK protein kinase RNA (PKR)-like ER kinase
T898 3753-3782 Sentence denotes SBD substrate-binding domain
T899 3783-3832 Sentence denotes PEDV porcine epidemic diarrhea coronavirus virus
T900 3833-3874 Sentence denotes FIPV feline infectious peritonitis virus
T901 3875-3901 Sentence denotes FeCV feline enteric virus
T902 3902-3924 Sentence denotes GAG glycosaminoglycan
T903 3925-3958 Sentence denotes GlcAT-II glucuronosyltransferase
T904 3959-4005 Sentence denotes GlcNAcT-II N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II
T905 4006-4036 Sentence denotes NGS new generation sequencing
T906 4037-4064 Sentence denotes RBM receptor-binding motif
T907 4065-4101 Sentence denotes 3CLpro 3-chymotrypsin-like protease
T908 4102-4118 Sentence denotes CLQ chloroquine
T909 4119-4145 Sentence denotes CLQ-OH hydroxychloroquine
T910 4146-4175 Sentence denotes GBS ganglioside-binding site
T911 4176-4207 Sentence denotes GBD ganglioside-binding domain
T912 4208-4233 Sentence denotes WEF World Economic Forum
T913 4234-4268 Sentence denotes VODAN Virus Outbreak Data Network