PMC:7311890 / 28332-32113 JSONTXT 11 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T184 0-89 Sentence denotes Multiscale Embedded Correlation Networks to Uncover Pathologically Relevant Lipid Modules
T185 90-254 Sentence denotes Co-regulated genes often display similar patterns of gene expression, which translates to strong correlations between their gene expression levels (Williams, 2015).
T186 255-572 Sentence denotes Under the same analogy, strong correlations between lipid levels can imply that these lipids lie along a common metabolic pathway and are co-regulated, and changing correlation patterns between lipid-pairs in disease compared to healthy states can potentially indicate pathologically relevant metabolic dysregulation.
T187 573-834 Sentence denotes We had previously shown in a cohort of antecedent diabetes that such a systems approach to interrogate lipidomics data based on differential correlations can sieve out pathway aberrations even before actual changes in metabolite levels set in (Lu et al., 2019).
T188 835-1137 Sentence denotes Thus, in order to decipher lipid pathway dysregulation at early stages of infection, we then looked for pathologically relevant lipid modules in mild COVID-19 relative to healthy controls using MEGENA R to construct networks from differentially correlated lipid pairs calculated via the R package DGCA.
T189 1138-1220 Sentence denotes Only differential correlations with empirical p < 0.05 were displayed (Figure 4 ).
T190 1221-1316 Sentence denotes Four notable modules in the global network were circled and enlarged for emphasized discussion.
T191 1317-1422 Sentence denotes Figure 4 Differential Correlation Analyses of Plasma Lipids in Mild COVID-19 Relative to Healthy Controls
T192 1423-1651 Sentence denotes Multiscale embedded correlation network analysis illustrates the differential correlation of lipids in mild COVID-19 relative to healthy controls to reveal changes in lipid metabolic pathways upon early stage of viral infection.
T193 1652-1747 Sentence denotes Only lipid pairs with significant differential correlations (empirical p < 0.05) were included.
T194 1748-1945 Sentence denotes Sign/sign indicates direction and strength of correlation in control/mild COVID-19, and number that follows indicates number of lipid pairs in the global networks exhibiting this pattern of change.
T195 1946-2334 Sentence denotes For instance, red line +/++ 1 in the upper legend of the global networks indicates that correlation between two connected lipid pairs was positive (+) in controls, and the correlation became even more strongly positive (++) in mild COVID-19 patients, as defined by statistically significant (p < 0.05) increase in correlation coefficients between the lipid pair across the two conditions.
T196 2335-2444 Sentence denotes A total of 1 lipid pair connected by red lines in the global network displayed this pattern of change (+/++).
T197 2445-2510 Sentence denotes Blue line +/− : positive in controls → negative in mild COVID-19.
T198 2511-2580 Sentence denotes Teal line +/0: positive in controls → insignificant in mild COVID-19.
T199 2581-2662 Sentence denotes Gold line ++/+: strongly positive in controls → weaker positive in mild COVID-19.
T200 2663-2758 Sentence denotes Purple line 0/−: insignificant correlation in controls → negative correlation in mild COVID-19.
T201 2759-2852 Sentence denotes Gray line 0/+: insignificant correlation in controls → positive correlation in mild COVID-19.
T202 2853-3595 Sentence denotes Four modules (I–IV) of biological interest were circled and expanded for better visual clarity. (I) Module with hub PS 34:1 connected to numerous PEs by teal lines, indicating PS-PE positive correlations in healthy controls were lost in mild COVID-19. (II) Module with hub BMP 38:5(18:1/20:4) connected to CEs by blue lines, indicating BMP-CE correlations became negative in mild COVID-19. (III) Module with GM3 d18:0/25:0 as hub connected to several PSs by blue and purple lines, indicating GM3-PS correlations became negative in mild COVID-19. (IV) Module with LysoPC 16:1 as the hub connected to numerous PUFA-PEs by blue lines, indicating lysoPC-PUFA-PE correlations changed from positive in healthy controls to negative in mild COVID-19.
T203 3596-3781 Sentence denotes PS, phosphatidylserines; PE, phosphatidylethanolamines; BMP, bis(monoacylglycero)phosphates; CE, cholesteryl esters; GM3, monosiaolodihexosyl gangliosides; PUFA-PE, polyunsaturated PEs.