PMC:7306567 / 22327-23406 JSONTXT 12 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T147 0-57 Sentence denotes Table 1 Proposed case definition for IAPA in ICU patients
T148 58-158 Sentence denotes Entry criteria: influenza-like illness + positive influenza PCR or antigen + temporally relationship
T149 159-254 Sentence denotes Aspergillus tracheobronchitis IAPA in patients without documented Aspergillus tracheobronchitis
T150 255-541 Sentence denotes Proven Biopsy or brush specimen of airway plaque, pseudomembrane or ulcer showing hyphal elements and Aspergillus growth on culture or positive Aspergillus PCR in tissue Lung biopsy showing invasive fungal elements and Aspergillus growth on culture or positive Aspergillus PCR in tissue
T151 542-589 Sentence denotes Probable Airway plaque, pseudomembrane or ulcer
T152 590-624 Sentence denotes and at least one of the following:
T153 625-645 Sentence denotes Serum GM index > 0.5
T154 646-648 Sentence denotes or
T155 649-667 Sentence denotes BAL GM index ≥ 1.0
T156 668-670 Sentence denotes or
T157 671-691 Sentence denotes Positive BAL culture
T158 692-694 Sentence denotes or
T159 695-729 Sentence denotes Positive tracheal aspirate culture
T160 730-732 Sentence denotes or
T161 733-756 Sentence denotes Positive sputum culture
T162 757-759 Sentence denotes or
T163 760-797 Sentence denotes Hyphae consistent with Aspergillus A:
T164 798-818 Sentence denotes Pulmonary infiltrate
T165 819-853 Sentence denotes and at least one of the following:
T166 854-874 Sentence denotes Serum GM index > 0.5
T167 875-877 Sentence denotes or
T168 878-896 Sentence denotes BAL GM index ≥ 1.0
T169 897-899 Sentence denotes or
T170 900-920 Sentence denotes Positive BAL culture
T171 921-923 Sentence denotes OR
T172 924-926 Sentence denotes B:
T173 927-982 Sentence denotes Cavitating infiltrate (not attributed to another cause)
T174 983-1017 Sentence denotes and at least one of the following:
T175 1018-1041 Sentence denotes Positive sputum culture
T176 1042-1044 Sentence denotes or
T177 1045-1079 Sentence denotes Positive tracheal aspirate culture