PMC:7245302 / 6113-7640 JSONTXT 8 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T49 0-384 Sentence denotes The complete dataset of proteins available in (NCBI) [9] coronavirus data hub (,%20taxid:2697049&utm_campaign=wuhan_nCoV&utm_source=insights&utm_medium=referral) was retrieved and subjected to screening phase to identify potential vaccine candidates.
T50 385-502 Sentence denotes First, host non-similar proteins of the pathogen were filtered that show no homology to the human host (taxonomic id:
T51 503-509 Sentence denotes 9606).
T52 510-619 Sentence denotes Proteins having sequence E score < 1.0 E−5, bit score > 100, and sequence identity ≤ 30 % were selected [10].
T53 620-835 Sentence denotes Again, a BLASTp search against the Mouse (Mus musculus, taxonomy id: 10090) was performed using host non-similar proteins keeping the input parameters E score cut-off 0.005, bit score > 100, and identity < 30% [11].
T54 836-984 Sentence denotes The screened mouse non-similar proteins were then subjected to TMHMM 2.0 [12] and HMMTOP 2.0 [13] for observing the number of transmembrane helices.
T55 985-1180 Sentence denotes Proteins having less than two transmembrane helices were subjected to SPAAN [14] for predicting the adhesive proteins as they have the potential to facilitate attachment to the host tissues [15].
T56 1181-1386 Sentence denotes Selected vaccine candidates were then used in BLASTp tool to align the selected adhesive protein candidates with the probiotic bacteria proteome including three Lactobacillus species: L. rhamnosus (tax id:
T57 1387-1416 Sentence denotes 47715), L. johnsonii (tax id:
T58 1417-1457 Sentence denotes 33959), and Lactobacillus casei (tax id:
T59 1458-1527 Sentence denotes 1582) to avoid accidental inhibition of the useful gut bacteria [11].