PMC:7212965 / 81929-82624 JSONTXT 7 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T771 0-271 Sentence denotes  Qian, 202044Xiaoshan District People's Hospital (Hangzhou), Ningbo City First Hospital (Ningbo City), Ninghai County First Hospital (Ningbo City), Xiangshan County People's First Hospital (Ningbo City), Affiliated Hospital of Shaoxing University (Shaoxing)ZhejiangDates:
T772 272-306 Sentence denotes 1/20/2020-2/11/2020Last follow-up:
T773 307-332 Sentence denotes 2/16/2020 n = 91Survival:
T774 333-395 Sentence denotes 0% died, 34.1% discharged, 65.9% still hospitalized.Inclusion:
T775 396-479 Sentence denotes Inpatients with COVID-19 (88 based on RT-PCR and 3 based on clinical diagnosis)Age:
T776 480-507 Sentence denotes M 50 y (IQR, 36.5–57 y)Sex:
T777 508-562 Sentence denotes 59% femalesGI/liver comorbidities: NRDisease severity:
T778 563-599 Sentence denotes 90.1% mild and 9.9% severe Diarrhea:
T779 600-695 Sentence denotes 23.1% (21)Present on admissionVomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain: not extracted Not extracted