PMC:7195088 / 53097-54053 JSONTXT 8 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T401 0-202 Sentence denotes Bacterial infections can present simultaneously with COVID-19 or occur later during the course of the disease, worsening clinical conditions of patients who were recovering from primary viral pneumonia.
T402 203-303 Sentence denotes Information regarding the prevalence of bacterial coinfection or superinfection is scant [28,44,45].
T403 304-438 Sentence denotes According to the available reports, prevalence of bacterial infections in patients with COVID-19 ranges between 1% and 10% [28,44,46].
T404 439-571 Sentence denotes In these reports, bacterial infections were due to Gram-negative bacteria including Enterobacterales and nonfermenting rods [28,44].
T405 572-870 Sentence denotes It is of note that up to 98% of COVID-19 patients in available experiences received intravenous broad-spectrum empirical antibiotics [28,44,45,47], probably reflecting the frequent inability to exclude the presence of bacterial coinfection at the onset of severe clinical presentations of COVID-19.
T406 871-956 Sentence denotes This could have possibly lowered the overall prevalence of bacterial superinfections.