PMC:7156805 / 4173-6298 JSONTXT 9 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T16 0-123 Sentence denotes Whether withdrawal of broadly immunosuppressive therapies may increase the risk of precipitating cytokine storm is unknown.
T17 124-241 Sentence denotes Therefore, classic immunosuppressants may present the most concerning risk for those affected by COVID-19 (Table I ).
T18 242-402 Sentence denotes Immunomodulators, such as biologics, that do not target vital domains within the viral immune response may dampen, but not significantly affect viral clearance.
T19 403-511 Sentence denotes Table I Considerations for commonly used immunomodulators and immunosuppressants for dermatologic conditions
T20 512-582 Sentence denotes Drug class Mechanism of action Drug name Risk Comments/considerations∗
T21 583-609 Sentence denotes Classic immunosuppressants
T22 610-753 Sentence denotes Inhibits NF-κB Corticosteroids Likely concerning risk Consider stopping when viral symptoms present especially with known or potential exposure
T23 754-786 Sentence denotes Calcineurin inhibitor Tacrolimus
T24 787-799 Sentence denotes Cyclosporine
T25 800-863 Sentence denotes  Antimetabolites Inhibits DNA replication Mycophenolate mofetil
T26 864-876 Sentence denotes Azathioprine
T27 877-889 Sentence denotes Methotrexate
T28 890-906 Sentence denotes Immunomodulators
T29 907-1081 Sentence denotes  Monoclonal antibodies TNF-α inhibition Infliximab Likely moderate risk Continue if viral symptoms are mild, consider stopping if viral symptoms worsen or high fever develops
T30 1082-1117 Sentence denotes  Receptor fusion protein Etanercept
T31 1118-1153 Sentence denotes  Monoclonal antibodies Certolizumab
T32 1154-1187 Sentence denotes  Monoclonal antibodies Adalimumab
T33 1188-1241 Sentence denotes  IL receptor modulators IL inhibition Anakinra (IL-1)
T34 1242-1337 Sentence denotes  Monoclonal antibodies Dupilumab (IL-4) Likely low risk Continue unless severe symptoms present
T35 1338-1503 Sentence denotes  Monoclonal antibodies Brodalumab (IL-17) Likely moderate risk Continue if viral symptoms are mild, consider stopping if viral symptoms worsen or high fever develops
T36 1504-1547 Sentence denotes  Monoclonal antibodies Secukinumab (IL-17a)
T37 1548-1590 Sentence denotes  Monoclonal antibodies Ixekizumab (IL-17a)
T38 1591-1636 Sentence denotes  Monoclonal antibodies Ustekinumab (IL-12/23)
T39 1637-1678 Sentence denotes  Monoclonal antibodies Guselkumab (IL-23)
T40 1679-1844 Sentence denotes  Monoclonal antibodies Anti-CD20 antibody Rituximab Likely concerning risk Consider stopping when viral symptoms present especially with known or potential exposure.
T41 1845-1927 Sentence denotes PDE4 inhibition Apremilast Likely low risk Continue unless severe symptoms present
T42 1928-1997 Sentence denotes IL, Interleukin; NF-κB, nuclear factor κB; PDE4, phosphodiesterase 4.
T43 1998-2125 Sentence denotes ∗ General considerations only, medication use should be considered based on each individual patient's risk and disease profile.