PMC:7140597 / 14679-16766 JSONTXT 9 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T104 0-16 Sentence denotes Acknowledgements
T105 17-96 Sentence denotes We gratefully acknowledge the Collaborator Members of ISS COVID-19 study group:
T106 97-506 Sentence denotes Angela Di Martino, Marzia Facchini, Fabiola Mancini, Simona Puzelli, Giuseppina Di Mario, Laura Calzoletti, Stefano Fontana, Giulietta Venturi, Claudia Fortuna, Giulia Marsili, Antonello Amendola, Fabrizio Barbanti, Maria Scaturro, Daniela Fortini, Marco Di Luca, Luciano Toma, Francesco Severini, Patrizio Pezzotti, Antonino Bella, Flavia Riccardo, dept. of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
T107 507-686 Sentence denotes We gratefully acknowledge the Authors, the Originating and Submitting Laboratories for their sequence and metadata shared through GISAID and NCBI, on which this research is based.
T108 687-755 Sentence denotes All submitters of data may be contacted directly via
T109 756-840 Sentence denotes The Acknowledgments Table for GISAID and NCBI is reported as Supplementary material.
T110 841-950 Sentence denotes The authors also thank Davide Mileto, Alessandro Mancon, Clinical Microbiology, Virology and Bioemergency, L.
T111 951-1250 Sentence denotes Sacco University Hospital, Milan, Italy and Concetta Castilletti, Eleonora Lalle, Francesca Colavita, Fabrizio Carletti, Daniele Lapa, Licia Bordi Laboratory of Virology, National Institute for Infectious Diseases “Lazzaro Spallanzani” IRCCS, Rome, Italy, for performing diagnostic SARS-Cov-2 tests.
T112 1251-1262 Sentence denotes Disclaimer:
T113 1263-1357 Sentence denotes The new sequences have been deposited in GISAID with accession IDs: EPI_ISL_412973 and 412974.
T114 1359-1380 Sentence denotes Conflict of interest:
T115 1381-1395 Sentence denotes None declared.
T116 1396-1961 Sentence denotes Authors’ contributions: PS: conceived the study, coordinated the in vitro virus cultivation and wrote the manuscript together with FL and ALP; SFiore, EB,AM,CF prepared the Vero cells and cultivated the two virus; GF, AF, RDS and SFillo performed the whole genome sequence of the new genomes (ID: EPI_ISL_412973 and 412974); ALP, AA, AC analysed the genomes together with GF and FL; MRCapobianchi and MRG diagnosed SARS-CoV-2 onto the two samples; AC set up the molecular methods; MRCastrucci coordinated laboratory confirmation; GR read and revised the manuscript.
T117 1962-2007 Sentence denotes The authors read and approved the manuscript.
T118 2009-2027 Sentence denotes Supplementary Data
T119 2028-2050 Sentence denotes Supplementary Material
T120 2051-2087 Sentence denotes Click here for additional data file.